Building Topic XII of the Course of Economy of 1 High School, which these days explaining to my students of the IES Release of Algeciras, I will discuss the last topic of this subject and entitled "Andaluza Economy." In this post, let's do a short tour with no other interest than to clarify a number of concepts which by their Currently they can supplement the texts we studied and discussed in the classroom.
Andalusia is the most populated autonomous community of Spain (8,202,220 inhabitants in 2008) and the second largest, which together with its history and culture gives it a unique and decisive weight the whole of Spain. As for economics, is the third largest economy Spain in size of its Gross Domestic Product . The wealth it produces and keeps people employed, the tertiary sector is the most important. Tourism is of great concern to the community, the first of Spain income from this source. Within the primary sector there is a predominance of regional agricultural sub-sector as the industry is located mainly in the west, the coastline and major population centers
understand by conducting a work activity for which you receive money in return. The jobs that people can develop categorized them into groups called sectors or sectors of production.

Andalusia is the most populated autonomous community of Spain (8,202,220 inhabitants in 2008) and the second largest, which together with its history and culture gives it a unique and decisive weight the whole of Spain. As for economics, is the third largest economy Spain in size of its Gross Domestic Product . The wealth it produces and keeps people employed, the tertiary sector is the most important. Tourism is of great concern to the community, the first of Spain income from this source. Within the primary sector there is a predominance of regional agricultural sub-sector as the industry is located mainly in the west, the coastline and major population centers
understand by conducting a work activity for which you receive money in return. The jobs that people can develop categorized them into groups called sectors or sectors of production.
There are three sectors:
1.-The Primary Sector
3.-Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector
is composed of workers who obtain raw materials directly from nature. The raw material is anything that serves to transform themselves or to sell as it gets. Workers in this sector are farmers, ranchers, fishermen and miners.
of every 100 workers in Andalusia, about 24 workers in this sector, so it is very important for the regional economy.
a) Agriculture:

Plants need water to grow, hence there are two types of crops, as will be sufficient to rain water or well watered need:
rainfed crops do not need artificial irrigation but are satisfied with the rainwater. They are the most predominate in the interior plains , where olive growing vines and cereals such as wheat and barley are also grown sunflowers and fruit trees such as almonds.
irrigated crops need to be watered artificially. Extend the vegas of major rivers and the coast of Almería, Granada and east of Malaga. The major irrigated crops are rice, sugar beet, cotton, fruit and vegetables, like peppers and tomatoes. Thanks to the greenhouses on the coast of Almeria, Granada and Malaga can get several harvests per year.
Ranching is the raising, feeding and caring for animals, like cows, goats, sheep, pigs and horses, for animal products like meat and milk . It has economic importance of agriculture in Andalusia. The cattle are concentrated in areas unsuitable for cultivation, such as mountain areas.
Sheep (sheep) is the most important of them all. It grows in the provinces of Cordoba and Granada.
The pigs (pigs) is especially in the oak forests of Sierra Morena .
Cattle (cows and bulls) are raised in the Valle del Guadalquivir .
equines (horses) has copies of fame in the province of Cadiz.
The goats (goats) occurs throughout the region.
c) Fishing:

There are two types of fishing, as carried away or near the coast.
The fishing is done far from our shores, especially on the coast of Africa. It is caught tuna, hake and squid. In the fishing boats are several days at sea.
Inshore fishing is practiced by all the Andalusian coast, caught anchovies, sardines and shellfish. In the inshore fishing boats often return to port each day.
The main fishing ports are in Huelva and Cádiz in the Atlantic and Algeciras, Málaga and Almería in the Mediterranean.
d) Mining:
mining is to obtain stones of any mineral that serves to transform it into metal. The minerals are obtained from mines that are outside or inside of the earth. These minerals are torn handled by the miners working in mines. Andalusia has important mineral deposits in the Cordillera Penibética and Sierra Morena. Highlights
coal mines Peñarroya (Córdoba) the lead of La Carolina (Jaén) and copper at Rio Tinto (Huelva).

The main industrial areas are concentrated on the Andalusian coast and Valle del Guadalquivir, although most are not exploited today. Andalusia food processing industries, which are transforming agricultural products in ready to eat. There are oil industries, wine, meat products, canned fish and sugar industry. There is also
metal industries, chemicals, textiles, construction and paper.
sometimes called service sector. It employs people who provide a service or helping others, not obtain or process products such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, waiters, taxi drivers, traders, ... In this sector, which is the most important in Andalusia, work for 54 100 workers from Andalusia.
There are many activities that belong to this sector. Then we will expose those with more workers in Spain.

There are two types of tourism it receives Andalusia
The sun and beach tourism, which occurs throughout the coast.
cultural tourism, which is mainly in the provincial capital visit monuments, museums and places of interest.
In recent years also is promoting sports tourism, rural tourism, etc..
b) trading is the buying and selling products. It is very important in this sector. The main types of trade are small, specialized shops
: butchers, shoe ...
stores: supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc. ... You are in big towns.
Stores: who supply products to stores or large areas.
Weekly markets in almost all areas of Andalusia.
c) Transportation is the economic activity that involves moving people or goods from one place to another. Is done in three ways or paths:
road. By buses, trucks and cars across roads or highways. Or by using the railroad trains.
Seaway. By cargo or passenger ships. Andalusia major seaports, such as Algeciras and Malaga among others, and the Sevilla which is the only river port Spain.
Air. By aircraft. It is used especially to transport people long distances in short time.
The pillars that remains are the construction, trade, transport, tourism and government.
The core industrial activities are the main problems relate to the small industry in value added (difference between value of goods produced and the cost of raw materials and other intermediate goods used to produce them) regional .
A significant external dependence and the economy Andalusian meet their needs through imports.
Since 1993 the regional economy began a sustained growth due mainly to the convergence process of Spain and Europe.
Andalusia occupies the penultimate position in the ranking according to GDP per capita and its growth over recent years can not be described as moderate.
The regional economy is characterized by its high sensitivity to economic cycles that affect it. This is mainly due to:
• The existence of deep structural weaknesses that limit the degree of response of the Andalusian Economy and the inability of economic mechanisms in the region to make their own adjustments.
• The dependency of financial resources.
The analysis of the existing infrastructure of the regional economy resulting in a favorable position in regard to economic infrastructure. Andalusia
also appears in a turn-key, despite being the penultimate Autonomous Region in income per capita in the country, with regard to scientific and technological potential, ie with regard to universities and government-dependent. However, when analyzing the level of skills of the workforce Andalusia is centered in the fourth group training with Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha, the Canary Islands and Galicia (Pontevedra excluded)
PROBLEMS In Andalusia

The primary problem that we encounter is the labor market situation, ie the unemployment rate in Andalusia (approx. 24%). The intensity of it is a consequence of the accumulation three main circumstances:
Raising the rates, largely due to demographic factors (the incorporation of youth into the labor market, increased female participation rate.)
The concentration of demand work in major cities in contrast to the decline in geographic mobility.
Changing the industrial relations framework which makes the renewal of templates and the accessibility to the labor market.
should be clear that the labor reforms introduced since 1933 had an immediate positive effect on the number of hires, but the problem persisted and that these contracts were not indefinite. Increased hiring temporary and part-time while full-time is reduced.
This problem of such dimensions requires a national solution, but this does not mean that Andalucia has to take a passive position, on the contrary, has to participate actively in the design of national policy and, especially, should start their own strategies (especially for farming to combat unemployment).
AGRICULTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT: In Andalusia employment problems is to make a special appeal to rural unemployment. Andalusia and Extremadura are the only English regions where it is very important to this major problem. These deficiencies can be linked to employment:
• The intermediation of institutional mechanisms (INEM) as entry to the labor market, often avoided in rural areas because of the abundance of irregular activities and the extent of what known as culture of multiple sources of income and occupation is seasonal in different activities over the years.
• The job, which is particularly low in rural areas and access to employment normally involves migration. The cost of this presents and the existence of alternative ways of survival (ie, the rural employment scheme: PER) justify the length of time unemployed.
PER The rural employment scheme satisfies the minimum conditions of subsistence to the unemployed rural population. Provides solutions to the problem but viewed from a purely economic perspective, the PER is a tool monger stay unemployed. The fact that this plan would lead to migration so that their removal would have undesirable consequences from the point of view.
The main objectives would be very easy to deduce, to end the inability to create jobs correct patterns of inequality, reducing the relationship between the production system and the environment ending the exploitation of natural resources, promote industrial development in Andalusia final. ANDALUSIA

Global competition is related to the phenomenon of internalization of the company, This has been driven primarily by the level of activity in the area of \u200b\u200bcapital movements unknown prior to the last decade.
The above process of globalization has set up a global competition in which competitive advantage rests increasingly on factors such as quality and product differentiation, technological level and production attributes of productive factors. Besides the phenomenon of internationalization of enterprises, trade expansion and increased capital mobility, the improving economy is encouraged by the formation of large economic regions based on customs union treaty and trade, free trade zones, etc.. ANDALUCIA
stops should be noted that migration and displacement of population to large cities, the primary sector's contribution to the formation of regional GDP is around 10% of the total pressure on the young labor market is reduced. However, certain features of the Andalusian economic structure remain the expulsion of the active population in agriculture, natural constraints to the maintenance of certain activities, or the increase in female participation rates and unemployment.
the regional economy BEFORE A NEW MILLENNIUM.
Andalusia has gone from being a backward region to become a region with a modern and productive economic system similar to the Western world's most advanced. The remarkable economic growth has been due in part to the increase experienced by the scale of production due to the sharp increase in capital, labor, and especially productivity per worker.
growth has also been stimulated by improvements in efficiency, the new process of computerization, telecommunications development, etc. All this has caused a shift in aggregate supply curve to the right and increase the productive potential of the regional economy.
Looking ahead, the regional economy has the following features:
• The competitiveness is to be considered deeply as the regional economy can not promote their development if there are no imports, outflows of goods and rivalries.
• The socio-economic situation poses a difficult problem in regard to water resources due to the high consumption of them and their existence.
· We must reemphasize the problem of rural areas and their strike and should have special consideration.
• The technological factor strongly influences the future in the regional economy and provides the opportunity to communicate in real time to new initiatives.

in 2009 will continue this trend, warning Unicaja, which states that the provinces that will be most affected by job losses will Almería, Huelva and Granada.La construction is the sector that will suffer the biggest decline, down close to 9, 5%. At this point, the coordinator of the report, Felicia Becerra, said the regional economy last year lost about 167,000 jobs, of which over 140,000 were for construction.
On the other hand, increased public works could not offset the sharp drop in the residential sector, reducing the housing starts by about half, while the number of buildings under construction is at levels similar to 1999. Real estate activity has also fallen "dramatically" and expectations for this year are even more negative, as anticipated endorsed housing.
also expected a decline in building starts around 25%, although given the stock of unsold homes, any forecast must be taken with caution, says that document.
But not only has lowered the construction sector, but others have been affected, such as industry (-6%), agriculture (-2.6%) and services (-1.3%). With regard to the latter sector, the report notes that is expected to continue the path negative activity in the tourism and transport, as evidenced by the forecasts for 2009 hotel demand (-5.3%) or air passenger traffic (-12.6%).
Analysts also noted that the growth of consumer prices continued the downward trend started in mid-2007 due to moderation in the increase in food prices and declining prices of motor fuels. Under such conditions, the Economic Analyst CEO, Francisco Villalba, stressed the need to raise an "urgent reform agenda" for "design the future that we want to " with labor market measures, the Toledo Pact, education system and commitment to research and development, among others. CONCLUSIONS
The growth pattern of the regional economy, in past years has rested on a major consumer, construction and tourism. The technological and innovative is a challenge to develop the entire production.
Looking ahead, the pattern of growth should be balanced and reoriented toward exports and investment in equipment. The stimulus of competition, increased productivity and encourage investment in new technologies should be the mainstays of economic growth.
However, the extent of worldwide recession will adversely impact the regional economy, as there are uncertainties regarding the high growth of exports from the region occurred in 2008 remain in 2009. However, there are important support elements that could help reduce the expected decline in economic activity. These brackets are the reduction in energy prices, lower interest rates or tax programs and aid the financial system implemented by the central government and the Andalusian.
The economic crisis will be especially pronounced during the middle quarters of this year, ie April to September. If the forecasts are true, things will improve as 2010 progresses.
As the work developed by BBVA Research Department, Andalusian greater exposure correction in the housing sector, the worst labor market trends and contraction of household consumption are behind the adjustment of the economy of Andalusia is higher than that of other English regions.
This report finds that job destruction in the community (4.9%) is almost a point above the to be in Spain in 2009 (4%). In this regard, the Research Service report indicates that Andalusia BBVA should be reoriented towards new technologies and continue to invest in human capital as a way to advance productivity.
For individuals, as we are living it, are difficult and would have to apply a phrase from Seneca (Cordoba, 4 BC - Rome, 65), when he said .. " Buy only what is necessary, not appropriate. unnecessary, even if it costs a penny, it is expensive . " Because the economy for him, was very clear when also said ... "the economy is the science of removing the cost superfluous. "
Ministry of Economy and Finance (Junta de Andalucia)
economic analysts Andalucia (Unicaja)
Economics 1 º Bachillerato (ALGA)