Friday, March 19, 2010

Planter In A Foundation Wall

talked about the administrative process of the Company.

With the theme of the heading, start a new exercise of ICT s in the classroom. This year, for students 2 of Bachelor of Business Administration IES Release of Algeciras (Cádiz).

When speaking of the Administrative Process Company, what we know through many authors in high school, refers to plan and organize the structure of organs and charges up the company, directing and controlling their activities. It has been shown that the efficiency of the enterprise is much greater than the sum of the efficiencies of workers, and that she should be achieved through rationality, ie the adequacy of the resources (organs and fees) for the purpose to be achieved Many authors consider that the administrator must have an individual role to coordinate, but it seems more accurate to think of it as the essence of the general ability to align individual efforts that are aimed at meeting the goals of the group.

Since the late nineteenth century the administration was defined in terms of four specific functions of managers: planning, organization, direction and control. Although this framework has been subject to some scrutiny, in general terms is still accepted. Therefore be said that management is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of members of the organization and employment of all other organizational resources, in order to achieve goals set by the organization.

1. Elements of the Administrative Process. 1st


Planning ahead is what to do, how and when to do it, and who should do it. Planning bridges the gap from where we are going where we want to go. It allows things to happen that otherwise would never happen, but the exact future can rarely be predicted, and the uncontrolled factors can interfere with the best-laid plans unless planning, the facts are left to chance.
Planning is an intellectually demanding process, requiring the determination of courses of action and the rationale for decisions, scope, knowledge and reasoned estimates.
The task of planning is precisely, minimizing risk and taking advantage of opportunities.
The essential nature of planning can be highlighted by its four main components are:
1. Contribution to the objectives and purposes.
2. Primacy of planning.
3. Extension administration.
4. Effectiveness of planning. 1.b.

The Organization

The organization helps to sort the means to make human resources work together effectively towards achieving the aims and objectives of the company. The organization involves a structure that should be considered as a framework that contains and integrates the various functions of the company according to a model that suggests order, arrangement and harmonious relationship.

planning and organization by which functions are not materially objective is achieved, but the efforts put in order, and make the appropriate structure and position on the activities that the company will develop. The organization links together the necessary activities and assigns responsibilities to those who must carry them.

Activities Basic concerning the role of organization are:

Allocation of resources (human, financial, equipment), activities (how), responsible (who), time (when), determination of degrees of specialization and division of work (marketing, production , shopping, personal), establishment of hierarchies (relations of authority and responsibility); assignment, identification of sections of control, organizational structure design, preparation of organizational manuals, policies and procedures, among others. 1.c

function address fundamental aims to promote, coordinate and monitor the actions of individual members and groups that make up the company, so that such joint activities are carried out according to plans.

This function comprises the following steps:

Authority. form that is delegated and exercised the shares for the development of activities and pursuit of the objectives and planned goals. Communication

. Way down the channels of communication and communication flows within and outside the company.

Supervision. verify that activities are carried out as planned and ordered.

The core activities include the leadership role are:

Determining what should be done (planning), establishing how they should carry out the activities of the company (organization), watch what to do (control) . 1.d


control process helps to ensure that objectives are met on time and with the planned resources, providing the company with the extent of the deviation that results can have about as planned. This control process consists of four basic steps:
1.d.1. Report average levels of performance, establish acceptable levels of production workers, such as monthly fees for operators of production and sales for sellers.
1.d.2. Check performance at regular intervals (day, week, month).
1.d.3. determine whether there is any variation actual average levels over the set.
1.d.4. If there is a variation take corrective action such as training or further education. If there is no change, continue with the activity.

core activities comprising the control process are:

Developing indicators and control standards (sales, costs, productivity, competitiveness, quality); measure and judge what has been done (analysis statistics, accounting reports, production reports), to compare what has been achieved against planned to determine whether there are differences (performance evaluation, inspection and troubleshooting), and establish corrective actions (planned adjustments to achieve.)

Over the years have developed better methods of monitoring, management and business administration. Some of the tools companies are using to improve performance are:
• Total Quality Management
• Business Process Reengineering
These two tools contain a strong process orientation. This means your search by:
• Improve product quality.
• Reduce production cycle time.
• Reduce costs.
The total quality management is an approach aimed at creating:
• A harmonious environment to do things correctly the first time.
• Prevent the generation of errors rather than correction.
• Create a culture of customer service.
• Reduce costs for the quality of enforcement (prevention and appraisal) and non-compliance (internal and external failures).
The business process reengineering is a systematic approach to radically improve the fundamental processes that add value. These processes relate to the strategic nature that are important and indispensable to the achievement of the objectives, targets and achieve a higher competitive level.

Process Reengineering is the means by which a company can achieve radical changes in performance, methods of work, measured in cost, length of service and quality, through analysis of process flow diagrams and other methods used in industrial engineering.

This technique consists of five basic steps are:
• Preparation . Development executive consensus on goals and objectives to be achieved. • Identification
. Development of a consumer-oriented business in the fundamental processes of strategic value.
Vision. Search breakthrough opportunities processes.
Solutions. Establishing results for the implementation of perceptions through social design that organizes and structures the human resources that will be responsible for the redesigned process.
Transformation. Implementation of the visions of the process, implementing pilot versions and full production.

Finally, we must not forget two important concepts and to consider in management and hence in the Enterprise: Leadership and Motivation.

Leadership, consists of a set of characteristics, whether innate formally learned or acquired, which has a person to influence others in order to channel the efforts of a group towards achieving its objectives.

On the other hand, we must not forget that leadership is a fundamental policy in organizations especially in the field of human resource management because it will serve to influence the behavior of employees the company.
is not simply to manage these behaviors, but that leadership must go beyond, you should try to integrate the employees in the business plan. And

Motivation in the Company, is the willingness from one person to do their job as best as possible, so that match personal goals with organizational objectives.
Also, we could define it as: "The impulse that initiates, guides and maintains the behavior, to achieve the desired goal or objective.."

The reasons can be grouped into several categories:
First are the rational and emotional reasons.
The reasons may be self-centered or altruistic.
The reasons may also be of attraction or rejection, as moved to do something for others or stop doing something that is ongoing or could be done.
Motivation can also be due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The first comes from the personal understanding of the world and second coming of the external incentive factors.
. Extrinsic factors include:

Money Working time

Travel Cars Real

All these factors can increase or decrease in the space around the individual, however, depend on intrinsic factors meaning that the person making it. While the so-called extrinsic factors also depend on this interpretation of the person, they can change dramatically very quickly while the intrinsic require assimilation work best suited to the individual's mind. Intrinsic factors deal with the desires of people to do things by considering them important or interesting.

There are three important intrinsic factors:
Autonomy: The impulse that drives our lives, freedom to have control over what we
Masters: The desire to be better at something that really matters
Purpose: The aim of do what we do for service to something larger than ourselves

Well, with the motivation that you have to spare, you can improve the previous work, and leadership of each group, I hope soon the result of your work.

for it!.

Adriana Lopez. Monographs.
Business Economics. José Miguel González Ridao.
Quijano Andres Ponce de Leon. Universidad del Rosario. Colombia.
Rosa Aguilar.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Is Kate Playground Up To

March 8, much to claim!

There was a time where some phrases are highlighted, Oscar Wilde, dedicated to women ... .... " Women have been made to be loved, not to be understood. " Or this, saying ... ... ..." If you want to know what women actually say, look at it, not listen. "
phrases that they liked a lot of people and that apparently reflected the thinking of the majority.

However, once again, many women, not just one day (March 8), we assert the obvious. A woman should also have to listen. Moreover, he has always listened!
Or perhaps you have not been heard a mother, a sister, a girlfriend, a wife, a friend ... ... ... ... .... Or from a few decades ago, a coworker?.

Well, if earlier, the fashion was the famous phrase, "Man, you hear ... ... ... A woman, it looks. "totally sexist why not ... ... ..." The men and women ... ... .. They hear "?. Apparently

... ... .... Times are changing. Yes, you just have to read the paper or digital media, and observe the evolution of the comments of some politicians, public figures, journalists etc.

When the female enters the public arena, either actress, political, professional, etc free., First, is described superficially. But, thank God, even the fifth time, and the message is heard and is criticized by internal or external content of the sentences of that character is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. woman!.

And today is March 8.

It is a symbolic date means awareness and the claim of historical memory and the public voice of women .

In the XXI century and it seems that women have achieved equality from the standpoint of political and legal, but in everyday life, it is not.

it turns out, when there is a supremacy of women over men in our universities, and also , Are in positions of great responsibility, showing great competitiveness and responsibility, see where, when positions, positions, skills and levels similar to those of a man, they, as a woman, they charge 20% less than men .
And we're talking about the luckiest. Probably, because the data are public knowledge and that has a significant effect.

and other women workers?. Well, that generally does not exceed 50% of salary men. Of course, we are talking about financial compensation, when performing the same job and with the same preparation.

For example, in Andalusia, in the Administration and the fiscal year 2009, Social Action UGT, have provided the following information:

women earn between 30 and 15 percent less than men. That is the conclusion that emerges from recent studies by the unions and announced on International Day for the Equal Pay between Men and Women.

The date, Feb. 22, is not chosen at random. And is that according to all reports indicate a woman must work until 22 February for the same wages as a man to 31 December.

"Discrimination has always existed and the crisis has brought a precarious situation for everyone that has also affected the situation of women. " expressed in these terms recently, Secretary of Social Action of UGT, Fonsi Bonafonte, who had an impact on "we defend that right for equal work is mandatory that women have the same salary."

In this regard, Fonsi Bonafonte emphasizes an idea, coupled with the above. "It is important to note that not only pay less but that the benefits they are perceived by it are also lower."

In this regard, Secretary of Social Action UGT states that "the data speak the wage gap between men and women means that they receive a pension of 30.8% more. "

But the reality is harder! .

is unfair, and everyone we know, also, of 6, 8, 10 or 12 hours that a woman (lucky these days) devoted to paid work outside the home, it that as a woman, is assigned a "role" labor, the vast majority, made in a career (or not) and therefore unpaid.
And of course, not being paid at the same time, is not recognized or valued.
I guess, you know where to go, yes, the work done at home, being married or not, is whether or not, children or dependents.
Women, only the fact of being, in most cases, develop a work which affects the household economy, neighborhoods, towns and hence the country.
Of course, we are talking about the first world. And although the laws reflect the equality of both genders, society, that being so curious, puts the reality in another way.
Working women, working more and less paid. Hopefully not for long.
the moment, we see in class, equality is the starting point for the evolution of both the boy and the girl in the personal and intellectual development along the course.
The sample in teamwork which are so natural and effective, boys and girls the individual premium.
Well this is it, that this style of work and reward, be extrapolated to real life. The social and labor.

Violence against women, the cancer that kills us!

continue ignoring violence against women worldwide, in Spain, fortunately, looks set to decrease. Although there seems to end.
In underdeveloped countries like Iran, Congo, Somalia, China, India, etc., women suffer atrocities as

• It is estimated that 98% of women in Somalia are mutilated genitals. In Africa, 115 million women have undergone some form of genital mutilation. The age that is practiced is between 8 and 14.

• Between 20 and 50% of women in developing countries marry or join a partner before age 18 by family decisiciones.

• In Asia and some African countries, babies born to women are killed or they are fed. In China, the risk of death is 33% higher for girls than for boys. In class we had the opportunity to see the documentary "The Curse of Womanhood," you can find in this link. The duration is 57 minutes worth.

• Two thirds of the 860 million illiterate adults are women.

• traffic has increased "comfort women" especially women from Eastern and Latin American countries who practice in Europe protistución bound by mafias. The profile of women engaged in prostitution in the streets of Europe and the United States is a woman between 19 and 25 years, foreign-controlled by the mafia and with family in their country of origin.

Therefore, not only are exploited in a way (low pay) in the first world, but, in the third world, even worse! , Survive conducted by third parties, who decide what will become of their lives and their future.

So, in this March 8, 2010 , I remember them all. Those who get up before bed and later to work inside and outside of where they live, be it home or not. And also, why not?, Those of the first world, as well as working outside and inside their homes, take some time to work with a true vocation and in anonymity, for the needy ... ... ... ... .. and that each More and more outside and inside our country.

A hug to you ... ... ... .. Women Workers!!