Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Best Pleasure Way To Wank

Applying this analysis, Marx divided the history of economic systems in savagery or barbarism, slavery, feudalism, Asiatic mode of production and capitalism. Historical materialism appeared that capitalism had reached an extreme situation, that the legal framework for private ownership of the means of production was hindering the growth of productive forces, which consequently were taking economic crisis increasingly serious, that the system was doomed to collapse and be replaced by another in which the means of production would be in the hands of the whole society, and that the proletariat, the emerging social class, would be responsible for leading that change. Foresaw the arrival in the more advanced of two future systems, socialism, in which "each will receive according to his work, and communism, in which" each give according to their means and receive according to their needs. "
This supposedly scientific analysis, has been contradicted by the historical. Century and a half after he wrote the Communist Manifesto we can see that their predictions have not been met. There
immutable historical laws that describe the evolution of economic systems and human societies. Nor is a two-way relationship between the degree of development of productive forces and economic system. Maybe I can be a closer relationship between the economic system and the media. In this course we propose a classification of economic systems in which we emphasize the importance of the degree of development of human knowledge and, therefore, the existing technological means for the transmission and accumulation of that knowledge.

certainly the market, by itself, has also shown its inability to satisfactorily resolve the basic needs of much of mankind. In fact, countries that have achieved a higher grade and more harmonious development more compatible with individual freedoms, with the encouragement of artistic creativity and scientific and technological research, they have achieved thanks to an economic system that combines free market with state intervention. And among these countries is to include the United States and others in the eyes of the world appear as champions of market liberalism.
Today continues the old controversy about calling for "more market" and others calling for "more government." In a human society living, evolving, there is no theoretical way to resolve the issue. There can be a show "scientific" what proportion between market and state is the most convenient or the most appropriate. Several people and groups with diverse ideologies and interests, are supporters of either ratio. Call themselves liberals, social democrats, conservatives, progressives, democrats, communists, radicals, left or right wing are simply pressing in one direction or another, to the market or to the state, with more or less force.

Many hope that the future system will satisfy our deepest longings of solidarity, cooperation and equity, allowing the disappearance of hunger, poverty and marginalization and that this is compatible with respect for human rights and the promotion of individual creativity.
1) What were the economic systems in the twentieth century?

Centrally Planned Economy:
a) An economic system based on collective or state ownership of means of production, and that the decisions of individual agents should join all or part of the plans made by economic authorities this system, the market is replaced by centralized decision-maker based in some measure plans are mandatory for all operators.
b) political and philosophical doctrine that proposes the creation of a classless society for which they require eliminate the private ownership of the means of production by replacing state ownership to them or by some form of collective control of them.
This involves the removal of the market system and the creation of centralized planning methods of production and distribution of goods and services.
Market Mixed Economy: An economic system where the state intervenes to regulate market failures. Arises from the problems that caused the market economy system, where the state began to assume a major role.
a) Quesnay: Make a remarkable description of the economy as a circular flow is still used in current texts.
b) Adam Smith: He discussed the basics of pricing and income distribution conducted one of the first empirical studies of inflation but his most recognized contribution was that the market mechanism was a natural order which is regulated itself. In 1776 he published "The Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations."
c) David Ricardo: wrote his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation are in-depth analysis of the nature of economic rent presented a careful analysis of value. We also analyzed the patterns of international trade and proposed a rudimentary version of the law of comparative advantage. Ricardo autumn presented a vision of capitalism.
d) Karl Marx :
Marx is interested in the economy. On the issue of workers. With this proposed class struggle in establishing the term collectivism as fatal and necessary in the evolution of societies. Marx founded the International Workers Association. Marx focused on capital and the critique of political economy. Those related to the concepts of thinkers of the time especially Adam Smith and David Ricardo, as the work is the only source of income. Its main work is "The Capital" in 1867. In the '90s, some people still argue the validity of Marxist doctrine as a method of interpretation of history.
e) JS Mill, wrote in his classic work on political economy principles relate the national and international trade has been the champion of free trade.
f) TR Malthus: While work continued to grow, food will tend to increase in arithmetical progression and not in geometric progression. Wrote a book that was used to defend the needs of English law review on the poor.
g) Walras: discovered how to make the economy as a whole (as a simultaneous general equilibrium in all markets of labor, land and production).
h) Marshall: was a hypercritical with their own writing was a founder of the modern economy exposed through graphical representations, was able to make a great synthesis trying to combine the best of classical economics with the afterthought.
i) Keynes JM: He struck a mortal blow to the belief in Say's law and economics Keynes also wrote the general theory in 1936.
j) Aristotle economic thinking began with and continued with the teachings of the medieval Scholastics. These first movements are occupied to a lesser extent policy doctrines such as the idea of \u200b\u200bfair compensation intended to indicate that the value of the goods.
3) Why is argued that the market has triumphed as an economic system?
began to emerge a global consensus around the belief that market forces would help accelerate the development in less industrialized economies, although there is still no agreement on the degree of intervention that governments should have in this process.
During the 1980's and early 1990, more countries, as diverse as China, India, Brazil and Tanzania, imposed reforms aimed at restoring the free market. The experience of Southeast Asian countries was considered, by some, as the triumph of market economies, but to others it was only a demonstration of combining the advantages of markets with effective government intervention, perhaps too effective you can copy to any government.
- The market where supply and demand made and puts the fair price of the products as it takes to make the product, this method of exchange is typical of capitalism and is where you perform goodwill.
4) Main distinguishing features of the current economic system.
Who makes the decisions? Decisions are made
traders in the market, decide what, how and for whom to produce increasing importance of large corporations or oligopolies that interfere with free market forces.
What is Property?
The property is private. Individuals are the owners of productive assets.
Who directs the production?
The employer makes decisions about what and how to produce.
What the philosophy that drives economic activity?
The philosophy behind saving activity is profit.
How are prices?
prices are set by the market according to supply and demand.
What role does the state?
The state produces the economic framework that guarantees freedom of the market.
b) In the centrally planned economy .
Who makes the decisions?
is the state that plans and decided through the planning institutions (ministries, etc). State enterprises decide on small-scale targets.
What is Property?
The means of production are the collective and state ownership on its behalf consumer goods can be privately owned.
Who directs the production?
The production is directed by the state through planning institutions. State enterprises in accordance with the plan.
What the philosophy that drives economic activity?
The philosophy that drives economic activity is the equal distribution of income and wealth.
How are prices? Prices are set
planning agencies.
What role does the state?
The State directs all, economically.
c) The Mixed Economy :
Who makes the decisions?
Decisions are made by economic agents through the market. Importance of state in the provision of certain goods and services (social) importance of multinationals.
What is Property?
The property is the State and private property.
Who directs the production? The production is directed
private entrepreneurs in all matters relating to their field. The state sets the goods and services provided to the community.
What the philosophy that drives economic activity?
The philosophy that drives economic activity is that of profit in the private sphere, combined with the improvement of social welfare.
How are prices?
prices are set by the market. The State reserves the setting of public goods. What
role of the State?
The State develops the economic and social guarantees of citizens rights.
5) The distribution of surplus in the current economic systems.
"The product of the ground-everything that is derived from its surface by application of labor, machinery and capital is divided among the three classes of the community, namely the landowner The owner of the stock or capital necessary for its cultivation and workers, through whose efforts it is grown.
But at different stages of society, the proportions of the total product of the earth, which will be distributed between each of these classes, under the names of land rent, profit and wages, will be essentially different, depending mainly on soil fertility, capital accumulation and population and the skill, ingenuity and tools used in agriculture.. " He said, David Ricardo, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 1817.
Well, in the central planning system, are the state economic planning bodies that decide the fate of the surplus, based on political considerations and equity. To this end, encourage the development of public services and certain productive sectors considered of national interest.
In the system of market economy, private enterprise and the market play the key role in all economic decisions. Thus the surplus resulting from deducting the cost of revenue which involves the operation of enterprises, is the benefit to the employer as payment for its initiative, its capital and risk taking.
Finally, in countries with mixed market economy, the situation described above is supplemented by government intervention to limit the inequalities generated by the economy pure market. Thus, labor income, interest on investments and business surpluses have to pay taxes to fund public works for everyone.
hope this exhibition will allow us to improve the concepts of theme ............... Economic Systems.