For Black economy, means the system of exchange of goods that remain outside the control of the state. ... Or, to all economic activities in a hidden way to the Treasury, so it does not appear in official statistics and, therefore, not taxed.

This is the result of an investigation start before summer by the Ministry headed by Don Celestino Corbacho, which was intensified by 30% actions on economy (basically, companies with workers without high on Social Security, lower wages than legal, poor safety and health at work and companies used by foreigners without work permits).
The sample is, in the amount of fines imposed on companies and workers, the Inspectorate expects to raise more than 300 million euros, a historical figure was not reached before. Last year, in crisis, raised 292 million.
The sectors in which there has been a further increase in the underground economy is the hospitality and services and agriculture, plus construction. "The increase in unemployment puts people in precarious situations and agrees to do things in a normal situation or arise," said Don Carlos Moyano union president Inspectorate of Labour and Social.

In the field, the actions are done with the help of the Guardia Civil, so that workers are less likely to flee. A dramatic situation, as Moyano, which mostly blames employers. "It is clear that no worker wants to make his work in such conditions, but the situation forces him and entrepreneurs take advantage. "
Geographically the largest number of inspections and fines have been produced in Andalusia (which has the largest share of agriculture) and Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia (the three communities that include more leisure facilities).
According to the experts consulted, the economy of black money in Spain, the World Bank in 2007 amounted 22.6% of GDP, and the could exceed 25%, equivalent to 250,000 million, a figure much higher.
Therefore, an important thing to consider. Trust policy to be made efficient so that through SMEs, to return to employment generation. And so our economy.
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