"Speaking in male and female, naming both sexes, is used more precise language, more properly expressing the needs, tastes and concerns of women and of men. "
But how use language so that it represents all the wealth that exists in the experiences of both men and women?
there a way to use language, still the most widespread, and believed to be that many words spoken in a male are "generic", ie, they can refer to both sexes.

Use as a generic male creates problems and confusion of this style, so that in more than one occasion, a woman does not really know if it is included or not in the story.
When we describe in male actually hide a part of what is really going on. Imagine a situation in which parents attend a meeting of AMPA. The news the next day would be: "to yesterday's meeting was attended by 20 parents." Or you could say "at yesterday's meeting was attended by 18 mothers and two fathers." In the first version we may imagine that parents are the ones who come to the meeting, or even We can imagine that parents have come more or less the same proportion. In any case interpreting the male in the best way possible, give us an idea that parents worry more or less similar in education and attended by more or less at the same rate and are interested in equal measure for the meetings and their content. In the second version, which is named to both sexes, shows that mothers and fathers have very different attitudes with regard to educational work and an uneven commitment to the association. In this case, appoint modode women is a recognized authority in this matter, under the realization that they are "they" who It is largely being concerned for the education of their children.
Appoint gender implies not only appoint men and women, but talk about what women and men do, we feel, we provide, we need experience. That is, not only about how it is named, but also the content to be transmitted. For example, if you look at daily newspapers, you can see that the vast majority of news appearing in newspapers are still featuring men, and covering a majority in the management of issues relating to the economy, politics, international relations, war, weapons, etc.. The news that appears starring women tend to be those in which they appear as victims or as a small note in which we can read their contributions in the pages of society and culture, giving the impression that they leave no mark on the historical development. Appoint
sexes name implies actual participation, both numerically and qualitatively, women and men in different areas that make up the world, making visible their contributions in all fields both at school and in the media. Appoint all that make women and men to promote coexistence and prevent violence is a way also to encourage peace, away from stereotypes. This means offering words that describe the tenderness of men, their ability to give and show love, creativity and ability to negotiate and reach agreements, is also talk of women with words that help them as masters of their own lives, able to take seriously their own desires, being involved in development of their people and speaking with its own language.
As you know, not just pass through what we say but also through how we say. In this sense, it is the same talk about practicing peace peace within the educational relationship.
Like any relationship, that between teacher and students often leads to disagreements, conflicting interests and conflicts. This is also a relationship in which there is disparity, as is usually the teacher or older and knows more about a certain subject. Also, the teacher or the teacher has the power to pass or fail, what gives you power over their students, since it depends on who taught him to continue with their studies.
are many ways in which a teacher or professor may stand before this set of circumstances and enter into relationships with their students. Here are some possibilities:
Violence is not a game

branded as one of 'fag' in a grotesque pejorative, for the simple fact that likes to play with girls and be near them.
• A group of children ridicules girls and their games. Even dare to disturb the girls from playing quietly.
• A class group rejects a girl and call her 'whore' for having several pickups. However, a guy who also links a lot, is highly respected and is considered almost a hero.
• A child laughs and ridicules the body of a girl for being chubby when he, too, on some kilos.
In all these cases, the educational task is to take seriously the curiosity that children have in relation to other bodies to:
. Do not forget to marvel at the presence of other bodies and keep alive their curiosity about what each is and experience.
. Aware of the greatness that involves every body and not fall into the temptation to value them only by their weights and measures, that is, in a crude and stereotyped. Or what is, learn to appreciate the beauty that every body, either the size or shape it has.
. Do not turn your curiosity into a pretext for violence to other bodies.
. Learn to approach other bodies with care.
It is therefore essential that the teacher or the teacher are willing to maintain an open dialogue as to treat many of these issues and to understand in all its complexity, we need to return to them again and again. It is a dialogue based not only information but also in the expression of feelings and emotions, among which the attraction, intimacy and modesty.
physical education at school.

When we look at physical activity that facilities and develop, we realize that they are often different and to promote development in both sexes have to generate resources, activities, and have a little creativity. Educate
physical activity is also set in motion daily, ie in how men and women are playing in the yard, and down the stairs when classes end and how it manifests an adolescent body after six hours at a sitting, with only half an hour of recreation .
From the school we can:

• Value to the needs of girls and boys movement have, avoiding androcentric models.
• Publicize a wide range of disciplines that seek representation of men and women who are references for our students.
• Incorporate physical activity into daily life, giving more value to this the fact that competitive.
• Create a climate in which the force, violence or the monopoly of some sports, are misplaced. On the contrary, foster attitudes of cooperation, participation, fun and desire to have fun in the company.
• Caring for the distribution of space in the center so that both girls and boys can enjoy them and use them comfortably.
• Ensure that materials can be used by children, showing alternative uses and vary the who uses creativity.
• Hold out for the recognition of the feelings that our body transmits, so that recognition of these "messages" will enable our students to develop a greater capacity for self-care and safety in one's own emotions.
Make life plans. Talking
life projects with the students supposed to accompany the discovery of what they are and what they want to be, showing a world open to endless possibilities which have to find their own niche in terms of their capacities, desires and features as well as helping them to consider the context and circumstances where your life unfolds.
Boys and girls are often raised differently their life projects. While they tend to focus on their professional activities without being to perceive them as professionals, also wonder about the possibility of being partners, mothers, friends, etc. And this difference often becomes a serious inequality that places women in an inferior position in the labor field, just because they are women and consider their life projects fit options involving life is one and it should be professional, familial, social, lively ... separately, in pairs or all at once.

Each life project, each student and each student will have to reflect at some time on issues such as: •
capabilities that each person has, those who develop, willing to taste those that let you grow and enjoy.
• The potential to develop those skills within an occupation, carefully choosing those training to optimize their talent or ability, within their possibilities.
• The desire and need to exercise every profession from the very unique, from what every man and every woman can make based their worldview and their creativity.
• The need to learn to recognize and realize the work that generates daily life and share with women and men with whom he lives.
• The importance of having a proper time for reflection, rest, stopping to look where you are going and what to ask about the needs, desires, how to cope.
A way to go .........
One of the fundamental principles on which co-education must start at school, is that women as citizens, should be as free as men to decide and carry out roles in society, this requires the elimination of discrimination and prejudice.

inequalities between men and women persist today and we still have a long way to go. In recent years there has been a phenomenon social, that is not new but it has lifted all social alarms, especially the first violation of human rights: the right to life.
survive in today's society situation of differential treatment between men and women, with a component hierarchy and discrimination that affect women negatively. We have examples
easily observed as in education, organization of schools and their ranking system continues to reflect the social discrimination against women. In most non-university schools
the position of director is held by a man offering image that the most important positions should be occupied by men.
Therefore it is necessary that education is breaking with the hierarchy between the sexes.
Therefore, we should begin now to practice and teach coeducation.
And now see what happens.
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