For the year `s ICT students 2 of Bachelor of Economics Ventura IES company Morón, we will discuss the issue No. 6 of the course and it was titled, "Regarding the marketing mix.".
We can say that The Marketing Mix, integrate and combine the decisions the company has taken on the attributes of their product, the prices set for each, the distribution channel chosen for closer end customer and, finally, communication or promotion will take place to be known and appreciated by the market. Once elected
market or segment you target, you must realize its plan of action to stimulate demand for its products, you must define marketing mix plan, decisions on the four Ps of marketing:
1. Product
2. Price
3. Distribution ("placement" in English)
4. Promotion or communication
The Product.
A product is a good or service that meets a need having a large number of similar products that meet similar needs. Therefore, the policy objective of product is differentiated from the competition for building brand awareness and favorable product.
A product is a good or service that satisfies a large number of products having similar meet similar needs. Therefore, the policy objective of product is differentiated from the competition for building brand awareness and favorable product.
Product Components: basic role plays, technical characteristics (power, voltage, ...), ancillary services (customer service, warranty ...) and the symbolic values \u200b\u200battributed to it (modern, youthful ...) .
product range are all offered by the company (full list) and product line are those with similar characteristics. Range Features: Size (number lines you have), depth (number of products per line) and consistency (the ratio of similarity between the lines).
Product Attributes: quality (may be technical and / or commercial), design (external presentation of the product, with several conditions), the size and number (different sizes for different segments), ancillary services (try to make the product more attractive) and image (perception of the product by consumers).
Product id: through brand (name, symbol or logo that identifies a company's products and differentiates competition), model (identified products of the same brand) and packaging and label (contains and protects the product, promotes and identifies).
Strategies: single brand (for all products) and multiple brands (one brand for each segment that addresses the product.)
There are also private label brands or that use large distributors to distribute products manufacturer hiding for greater control of the market and consumer loyalty.
Introduction new product launch, sales are not very high, high advertising costs (losses).
Growth: product successfully, grow sales, more competition, lower cost, effort differentiating benefits.
Maturity: stagnant demand. Strategies: increasing value added (quality) or lower costs to lower prices.
Decline: Low demand, falling sales, phasing out the product (selling stocks, switch to other products). It must decide whether to stop marketing the product (replacing it with another) or do a marketing effort to renovate and keep it on the market.
An example: If we compare with the following products to find out which phase of the cycle is, with ADSL, microwave, mobile phone, the gas furnace and HDTV will appreciate the concept.
- ADSL lines: growth
- Mobile: maturity
- Microwave oven: maturity
- HDTV: An Introduction
- Gas oven:
The price is the amount of money paid for the purchase of a product. It is a fundamental aspect consumer choice (though not sole).
pricing methods:
- Margin over costs (add a% to the cost for price)
- Price competition, is set below (if there is high demand, have lower costs or margin enough) or above (if we believe in quality and there are favorable market conditions and high demand)
- On demand: to test the performance of sales to vary the price (depending on whether the property is or is not close substitutes and their need for the consumer).
or pricing strategies, in order to increase sales:
a) differential pricing strategy: sell the same product at different prices depending on the characteristics of consumers or the need to promote sales. More common: lower prices (promotions, offers, launch, discount for purchase of various products ...). Less common: rising prices (premium brands with differentiation strategy)
b) psychological Prices: The price is intended to convey something about the product. Prices of prestige (high to providing quality), prices magical (9.95) or usual prices (consumer goods often).
c) Strategies lines product. It uses the strategy of real captive (lowered the price to rise the product but their accessories), set a price with two components (fixed more variable) or package prices for complementary goods.
d) strategies for new products. SKIMMING Strategy (high at the beginning to capture the elite of the market and then download it to attract other segments) or penetration (low prices since the beginning.)
Product Promotion.
To sell the product needs to be known. Here are some communication tools:
1. Advertising: techniques, media and outreach activities that companies use to inform the public of their products and persuade them to buy them. Should communicate the benefits of the product and refer to a target audience (segment) by choosing the appropriate media (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet) and support (string, newspaper or specific web where announced). Objectives: Increase sales, changing consumer habits and disseminate the product.
2. Sales promotion: try to boost sales to C / P. Consumers can be used (gifts, sweepstakes, refunds ...) or retailers (discounts, premiums and sales targets ...).
3. Sales Force: whole business of a company. Allow the sale and collect information from customers. Basic well-organized sales team.
4. Public Relations: to convey a good image abroad (consumers, suppliers, institutions, society). It's called social marketing, sponsorship (grants to various activities.).
5. Direct Marketing : direct client contact - company (letter, fax, phone ...). Quickly the result is known.
Product Distribution.
(quantity, time and conditions) access to the product seller. This is done using the distribution channels or intermediaries. Classes
distribution channels
1. for its length: can be direct (without intermediaries), short channels (producer-detallistaconsumidor) and long (several wholesalers or intermediaries between producer and retailer, are more cost but you reach more people.)
2. According to the link between distributors: horizontal connecting channels (companies that perform the function MSIM) and the vertical connection (different companies make functions).
3. According form of sale: sale shop and no store (by mail, catalog, phone, TV, internet, automatic ...)
distribution channel functions: reduce the number of contacts that performs company, act as warehouses, spread the product, provide additional services and product offerings focus.
Distribution Strategies: depends on the type of business and the market in which it operates. Methods of distribution: exclusive distribution (a single intermediary on geographic area), intensive (use as many distributors) and selective (middle option).
To end this study, we will discuss the social effects of advertising, which are manifold. On the one hand
advertising creates wealth that is invested, on the other has a reporting function, but can be annoying, abusive, misleading, unfair .... especially when it comes to sensitive products, unbelievable situations, it lowers the dignity of a person, excessive realism ...
constantly is criticized publicity highlighting some supposedly negative effects can be as reinforcing the materialism, cynicism, sexual concerns ... but if you produce these evils is a bad use of advertising.
Since advertising is neither good nor bad in itself, but it depends on how it is used in most countries there are few rules governing such advertising.
As a result, in recent times, there is a new branch called social Marketins , is a discipline that seeks to improve the exchange processes between companies and their customers by encouraging socially responsible behavior avoiding actions that may be harmful to society members.
And with that, we prepare to answer each group, the questions set by the Comments section.

We can say that The Marketing Mix, integrate and combine the decisions the company has taken on the attributes of their product, the prices set for each, the distribution channel chosen for closer end customer and, finally, communication or promotion will take place to be known and appreciated by the market. Once elected
market or segment you target, you must realize its plan of action to stimulate demand for its products, you must define marketing mix plan, decisions on the four Ps of marketing:

1. Product
2. Price
3. Distribution ("placement" in English)
4. Promotion or communication
The Product.
A product is a good or service that meets a need having a large number of similar products that meet similar needs. Therefore, the policy objective of product is differentiated from the competition for building brand awareness and favorable product.
A product is a good or service that satisfies a large number of products having similar meet similar needs. Therefore, the policy objective of product is differentiated from the competition for building brand awareness and favorable product.

Product Components: basic role plays, technical characteristics (power, voltage, ...), ancillary services (customer service, warranty ...) and the symbolic values \u200b\u200battributed to it (modern, youthful ...) .
product range are all offered by the company (full list) and product line are those with similar characteristics. Range Features: Size (number lines you have), depth (number of products per line) and consistency (the ratio of similarity between the lines).
Product Attributes: quality (may be technical and / or commercial), design (external presentation of the product, with several conditions), the size and number (different sizes for different segments), ancillary services (try to make the product more attractive) and image (perception of the product by consumers).
Product id: through brand (name, symbol or logo that identifies a company's products and differentiates competition), model (identified products of the same brand) and packaging and label (contains and protects the product, promotes and identifies).

Strategies: single brand (for all products) and multiple brands (one brand for each segment that addresses the product.)
There are also private label brands or that use large distributors to distribute products manufacturer hiding for greater control of the market and consumer loyalty.

Introduction new product launch, sales are not very high, high advertising costs (losses).
Growth: product successfully, grow sales, more competition, lower cost, effort differentiating benefits.
Maturity: stagnant demand. Strategies: increasing value added (quality) or lower costs to lower prices.
Decline: Low demand, falling sales, phasing out the product (selling stocks, switch to other products). It must decide whether to stop marketing the product (replacing it with another) or do a marketing effort to renovate and keep it on the market.
An example: If we compare with the following products to find out which phase of the cycle is, with ADSL, microwave, mobile phone, the gas furnace and HDTV will appreciate the concept.
- ADSL lines: growth
- Mobile: maturity
- Microwave oven: maturity
- HDTV: An Introduction
- Gas oven:

pricing methods:
- Margin over costs (add a% to the cost for price)
- Price competition, is set below (if there is high demand, have lower costs or margin enough) or above (if we believe in quality and there are favorable market conditions and high demand)
- On demand: to test the performance of sales to vary the price (depending on whether the property is or is not close substitutes and their need for the consumer).

or pricing strategies, in order to increase sales:
a) differential pricing strategy: sell the same product at different prices depending on the characteristics of consumers or the need to promote sales. More common: lower prices (promotions, offers, launch, discount for purchase of various products ...). Less common: rising prices (premium brands with differentiation strategy)
b) psychological Prices: The price is intended to convey something about the product. Prices of prestige (high to providing quality), prices magical (9.95) or usual prices (consumer goods often).
c) Strategies lines product. It uses the strategy of real captive (lowered the price to rise the product but their accessories), set a price with two components (fixed more variable) or package prices for complementary goods.
d) strategies for new products. SKIMMING Strategy (high at the beginning to capture the elite of the market and then download it to attract other segments) or penetration (low prices since the beginning.)
Product Promotion.

To sell the product needs to be known. Here are some communication tools:
1. Advertising: techniques, media and outreach activities that companies use to inform the public of their products and persuade them to buy them. Should communicate the benefits of the product and refer to a target audience (segment) by choosing the appropriate media (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet) and support (string, newspaper or specific web where announced). Objectives: Increase sales, changing consumer habits and disseminate the product.
2. Sales promotion: try to boost sales to C / P. Consumers can be used (gifts, sweepstakes, refunds ...) or retailers (discounts, premiums and sales targets ...).
3. Sales Force: whole business of a company. Allow the sale and collect information from customers. Basic well-organized sales team.

4. Public Relations: to convey a good image abroad (consumers, suppliers, institutions, society). It's called social marketing, sponsorship (grants to various activities.).
5. Direct Marketing : direct client contact - company (letter, fax, phone ...). Quickly the result is known.
Product Distribution.

(quantity, time and conditions) access to the product seller. This is done using the distribution channels or intermediaries. Classes
distribution channels
1. for its length: can be direct (without intermediaries), short channels (producer-detallistaconsumidor) and long (several wholesalers or intermediaries between producer and retailer, are more cost but you reach more people.)
2. According to the link between distributors: horizontal connecting channels (companies that perform the function MSIM) and the vertical connection (different companies make functions).
3. According form of sale: sale shop and no store (by mail, catalog, phone, TV, internet, automatic ...)

distribution channel functions: reduce the number of contacts that performs company, act as warehouses, spread the product, provide additional services and product offerings focus.
Distribution Strategies: depends on the type of business and the market in which it operates. Methods of distribution: exclusive distribution (a single intermediary on geographic area), intensive (use as many distributors) and selective (middle option).
To end this study, we will discuss the social effects of advertising, which are manifold. On the one hand
advertising creates wealth that is invested, on the other has a reporting function, but can be annoying, abusive, misleading, unfair .... especially when it comes to sensitive products, unbelievable situations, it lowers the dignity of a person, excessive realism ...
constantly is criticized publicity highlighting some supposedly negative effects can be as reinforcing the materialism, cynicism, sexual concerns ... but if you produce these evils is a bad use of advertising.
Since advertising is neither good nor bad in itself, but it depends on how it is used in most countries there are few rules governing such advertising.

And with that, we prepare to answer each group, the questions set by the Comments section.
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