a) Individual, in which a person runs the company, provides capital and the risk.
b) Collective, in which several people agree to jointly develop that business involves action.
There is a feature common to all entrepreneurs: they are all people who must take risks. The risk is behind all decisions that affect the business because of the uncertainty that characterizes the environment (the possibility of falling sales, rising costs of failure ,...). providers Therefore, there is a risk-return relationship will always be integral to the company.
Recognising the immense variety of companies can not use a single criterion for classification and attends a number of them widely used, among which are:

a) Private company:
The capital is owned by individuals. Within this can be given two options:
- Individual: The property is a single person.
- Social: the property is divided between two or more people called partners (joint ownership).
b) Public Company:
are those in which the capital belongs entirely to State or public entity
or partially but decisive factor in management decisions. In some companies such activity is not based solely on achieving a social cost (maintenance of employment, communication of geographical areas, securing energy supply, and manufacture of defense materials, etc.). Among these are: Renfe, Business Santa Barbara National.
2) Depending on their size:
There is no single criterion with respect to that indicator is more significant when talking about size, although the most common are: the number of employees, amount capital, production volume, turnover and value added. (In the latter criteria must take into account the influence of inflation based on the date of the data).
Regarding the number of workers tend to accept these criteria:
Business Type: N º Workers Net Assets (mil €) Turnover (million €)
Microenterprise: 1 to 10 employees and 5 mill. € of net assets.
Small: 10 to 50 employees, less than 27 mill. A. Less than 7 net mill. V. € sales.
Medium: 50 to 250 employees, More than 27 mill. € A. net and less than 40 miles. V. € sales.
Grande: More 250 employees and more than 40 miles. € of turnover.
In Spain, according to the Bank of Spain, small businesses account for 47.42%, 43.81% medium and large 8.72%. (Data 2008)

Regarding Legal Forms of Companies, one of the first decisions to be taken by the promoter or promoters of a new company, once studied and analyzed business plan feasibility, it is the choice of legal form to adopt (autonomous civil society, limited, anonymous ...). Here we show a comparative table with main legal forms, and in the bottom, some things to keep in mind to make the choice.
TYPES OF BUSINESS: No partners, capital and LIABILITY.
SELF: 1, no initial minimum resp. unlimited. CIVIL SOCIETY
: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
SELF: 1, no initial minimum resp. unlimited. CIVIL SOCIETY
: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
PARTNERSHIP: At least 2, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited. SIMPLE COMANDIATARIA
SOCIETY: At least 2, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited (general partners) and limited (limited partners) LIMITED
: Minimum 1, € 3005.06 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
: Minimum 1, € 3005.06 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
CORPORATION: Minimum 1, € 60,101.21 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
SLLABORAL: Minimum 3, € 3005.06 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
SA LABOR: Minimum 3, € 60,101.21 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
COOPERATIVES: Minimum 3, minimum fixed by the statutes and limited to the capital.
Here are some points to consider:
1.-Type of activity to exercise. - The activity will develop the company can influence the choice of legal form in cases where the applicable regulations set a specific way. These exceptions to the general rule of freedom of choice. In addition, some authorities exclude certain legal forms to apply for certain grants and subsidies.
2.-Number of promoters .- The number of persons involved in the activity can influence the election. Thus, when several developers, it is advisable to incorporate a company. However, remember that it is possible to form a corporation, new company limited or restricted, with only one partner (sole proprietorship).
3.-Responsibility of promoters .- This is an important aspect. Liability for debts is limited to the capital contributed (corporations, limited ...) or be unlimited (autonomous civil society and community property), the latter affecting both the business assets and staff, when Entrepreneurship is not sufficient to cover its obligations.
4.-economic needs of the project .- In principle, civil societies are cheaper in its constitution as it is not necessary inclusion in the Register and, therefore, not have to go through the notary. Moreover, no minimum initial capital required. However, the Limited Partnership, the Limited Liability Companies and Labor Unions require notarial work and a minimum capital to start. But the initial outlay can compensate if the aim is to limit future liability to the capital and thus protect our personal assets.
1 Professionals and Self
2 Civil Society and Community Property and
3 Company Limited Company
4 Labour Cooperative Society and Society
COOPERATIVES: Minimum 3, minimum fixed by the statutes and limited to the capital.
Here are some points to consider:

2.-Number of promoters .- The number of persons involved in the activity can influence the election. Thus, when several developers, it is advisable to incorporate a company. However, remember that it is possible to form a corporation, new company limited or restricted, with only one partner (sole proprietorship).
3.-Responsibility of promoters .- This is an important aspect. Liability for debts is limited to the capital contributed (corporations, limited ...) or be unlimited (autonomous civil society and community property), the latter affecting both the business assets and staff, when Entrepreneurship is not sufficient to cover its obligations.
4.-economic needs of the project .- In principle, civil societies are cheaper in its constitution as it is not necessary inclusion in the Register and, therefore, not have to go through the notary. Moreover, no minimum initial capital required. However, the Limited Partnership, the Limited Liability Companies and Labor Unions require notarial work and a minimum capital to start. But the initial outlay can compensate if the aim is to limit future liability to the capital and thus protect our personal assets.
1 Professionals and Self
2 Civil Society and Community Property and
3 Company Limited Company
4 Labour Cooperative Society and Society
* Since 1 that requires less paperwork and 4 that requires more.
.- 5.-Tax Issues The fundamental difference between societies and others in the tax through the income tax in the case of autonomous civil society and community property, either through corporation tax in the rest of society. Personal income tax applies a progressive tax rate that will rise as they increase profits. In the corporate tax rate applies fixed, which generally is 30%
6.-Image to customers .- Many customers and suppliers in the form set corporate legal to determine the degree of permanence of the same, and therefore the degree of reliability. Commercial companies (limited or anonymous) give a greater sense of permanence.
6.-Image to customers .- Many customers and suppliers in the form set corporate legal to determine the degree of permanence of the same, and therefore the degree of reliability. Commercial companies (limited or anonymous) give a greater sense of permanence.
With this, we take a brief look at this section of Item 2 of Business Administration for 2 º de Bachillerato.
Courage and work together .... I hope your work.
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