A WebQuest for 1 º Bachillerato course "Economics"
Designed by: Inmaculada Pérez Amorós
I'm sure you've heard many times in your area, the Country Gibraltar (Algeciras, La Linea, San Roque, Los Barrios and Tarifa), on the housing market and economy of people:
· You have a family member, friend or acquaintance in the "strike."
· Periodically the media: radio, print, television and so on. talk about it.
· Some time someone that you know has tried to buy a home, has done or has not been successful due to the high price of it.
· know of someone who has long been trying to sell your home.
Well, it's time that you know him more thoroughly (for something we are studying "economics") and for that I invite you to make the following investigations:
• What changes have you had?
• The evolution of the market and the economy is a current problem, or ... has always existed?
· What are the consequences?
• What do governments to try to fix it?
Por un momento os convertiréis en “Investigadores del mercado inmobiliario y del socio-económico de la comarca de “El Campo de Gibraltar” y asumiréis las funciones de:
· Estadísticos
· Especialistas en mercado inmobiliario
· Periodistas y comentaristas de noticias.
La tarea que debéis realizar es un informe, formado por 3 apartados:
· Informe estadístico: en él se explicarán diferentes conceptos del mercado inmobiliario and work in the area, making a study of their evolution. Be delivered in Excel format.
· Whitepaper: include an explanation of the causes and consequences of changes in the housing market and unemployment. And measures can be taken by governments (executive and regional) to improve access to housing and reduce unemployment. Be delivered in Word format. At least 10 pages.
· Press kit: formed by at least 10 news on the labor market and 10 news about the housing market. Each will be accompanied by a brief comment (minimum 10 lines). Furthermore, it shall indicate the date and means of publication.
The work should be taken forward through a presentation tool like PowerPoint.
To perform the work, you must follow these steps:
Deadlines are:
• A week to think and organize. • Two
class sessions (on computers) to find the necessary information.
• Two weeks to develop the work and its presentation.
• A final session to make the presentation.
I organizaréis in three groups of six to eight people. In each of them shall be the following profiles:
· Scientific-technical : be two or more persons with the following characteristics:
- Ability to handle large amounts of data.
- Ability to work with spreadsheets.
- Ability to interpret graphics. Researcher
· : one or two people with:
- Ability to synthesize and connect ideas.
- Ability to clear exposition of ideas.
- Ability to search resources on the network.
· Specialist: One or two people with the following characteristics:
- Creative and imaginative
- Ability to relate all knowledge of the subject.
- With
initiative ALLOCATION:
· technical scientific Profile: Responsible for:
- Explain the concepts of real estate, employment, unemployment and registered unemployment.
- Define Active population unemployed population, rate and make a graph from 2,005 to 2,008. Comment and justify its evolution
- Define the real estate market trends through a graphical representation of home sales from 2005 to 2.008.Comentar and justify its development.
- Fixed access to housing. Discuss possible solutions to access to housing based on income in this region.
- Define rate and make a graph from 2005 to 2008. Comment and justify its evolution
- Define occupancy rates and represent the total activity rate of each of the sectors.
- Define unemployment rate. Making a representation of the total unemployment rate, female and male. Discuss the evolution of the total unemployment rate related to the evolution of GDP.
· Profile: will:
- Make an explanation of the causes and consequences of declining home sales and unemployment. And the measures governments can take to improve home sales and increased employment.
· Profile: responsible:
- Search news related to the topic, commenting on each one of them.
All group members will show their partners the information they find. Among all decide which will be used for the preparation of work.
Following the script in the task draw up the work using the spreadsheet and word processor. This will be delivered in printed form.
EXPOSURE WORK: You will have to
an exhibition of approximately 10 minutes. For this utilizaréis a PowerPoint presentation
Each group member will seek information or questions that have been assigned. To do this you can use the following sources:
fifth book of text
· http://www.google.es/
· Pages Web (thay are sorted according to the profile that you have assumed for work). Scientific and technical
http://www.inem.es/ ;
http://www.ine.es/ ;
http://www.bde.es/ ;
http : / / www.mtas.es / statistics / features / index.htm ; http://www.esade.es/pfw_files/cma/GUIAME/Ficheros1/estudio_demanda_2003_08.pdf
http://casas.facilisimo .com / preciometro / andalucia / http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivienda_en_Espaà ± a # Evoluci.C3.B3n_hist.C3.B3rica_del_precio_de_la_vivienda
www.edebedigital.com / EV / femur / unemployment / unemployment . htm
http:/ / www.negocios.com/gaceta/
http://www.elpais.es/ ; http://www.abc.es/ ; http://www.elmundo. com /
be evaluated:
• The written work
• The group work
• and oral presentation
various criteria will be listed each one of which will be assessed with a score between 1 and 4. In the end, add up all the scores and the final result is compared with the following table scales evaluation to determine the final evaluation: SCORE
Poor consolidation of 10 to 17 points
Learning average 18 to 27 points
Good learning of 28 37 points.
Excellence in learning, from 38 to 40 points.
(1) Written work
Limited Consolidation 1 point
Learning Environment 2 points
Good learning 3 points
Excellence in learning 4 points
(a) Amount of information:
. Limited Consolidation , if one or more issues are not addressed.
. Learning half, if all issues are addressed but without depth
. Good learning , if all issues are addressed and some
depth. Excellence in learning, if all issues are treated with depth necessary.
(b) Quality of information:
. E scase Consolidation , if the information is not related to the subject or well-organized.
. middle apprenticeship, if information but much of it is not relevant (much cutting and pasting) and is not properly organized.
. Good learning , if there are important, well-treated and organized, but gives no examples.
. Excellence in learning, if the information is well connected to the main theme and provides lots of examples. The organization is very good.
(c) Writing:
. Limited Consolidation , if there are many errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation
. Learning medium if there are few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.
. Good learning if almost no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.
. Excellence in learning, if no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.
(d) Conclusions:
. Low consolidation, if not add Trivia or personal opinion.
. Learning half , if limited Curiosities and brief personal opinion.
. Good learning , adding enough curiosity and personal opinion.
. Excellence in learning, if you add great variety of curious and interesting opinion.
(2) Work in groups.
Consolidation Low 1
Learning Environment 2 points
Good learning 3 points
Excellence in learning 4 points
(a) Participation:
. Low consolidation if often forgotten the necessary material and does not participate with their peers.
. Learning medium he almost always brings the necessary materials, but does not participate with their peers.
. Good learning he almost always brings the necessary materials and participate.
. Excellence in learning, always brings if necessary and active material.
(b) Use of time:
. Little consolidation if rarely have things done for the deadline and the group has had to adjust its schedule or appoints another person.
. Learning half, if you tend to procrastinate, but always has things done to deadline.
. Good learning if you use the time well throughout the project, but has been delayed once.
. Excellence in learning, whether it conforms perfectly to the deadlines set by the group.
(3). Oral presentation
Consolidation Poor: 1 point
learning environment: learning 2 points
Good: 3 points
Excellence in Learning: 4 points
(a) Expression:
. Low learning, the presentation is boring, we note that no
the subject domain. Not able to capture the attention of colleagues.
. Learning half, if the presentation is boring, but it has control of the subject. Not able to capture the attention of their peers.
. Good learning , if the presentation is dynamic, capturing the attention of their peers. But does not dominate too much the subject and is not able to answer questions from their peers.
. Excellence in learning, the presentation is dynamic, which makes capturing the attention of their peers. Is able to answer the questions raised by their peers.
(b) Use of support:
. Low learning, if not use props.
. Learning half, if not used correctly supports.
. Good learning , if they use supports that enhance the presentation.
. Excellence in learning, if they use supports that demonstrate creativity and significantly improve the presentation.
(c) Duration:
. Low learning, if the duration of presentation is significantly higher or lower than the stipulated.
. Learning half if the duration of the presentation is somewhat different from that stated.
. Good learning , if the duration of the presentation is slightly different from that stated.
. Excellence in learning, if the duration of the presentation is stipulated.
(d) listen to other presentations:
. Low learning, if uncomfortable during the presentation of other colleagues.
. Learning half, if not hear, but not annoying.
. Good learning , if you listen but not participate actively.
. Excellence learning, if you listen actively and ask questions.
¡!!!!! We finally finished!!, I hope so much effort has been productive and is all reflected in your report. I'm also sure that you have learned a lot (or at least some) things about:
• Which is the labor market and which indexes are used for testing.
. What we have unemployment rates in El Campo de Gibraltar and has evolved from 2005 to 2008.
• Which is the relationship between unemployment and GDP levels.
· What are the main sectors of the economy of the region.
· What are the sectors of the population most affected by unemployment.
· What are the consequences of unemployment in the area, both economic and social.
· How has evolved the sale of homes in the area.
· How has changed the price of homes in the area.
· What are the consequences of the decline in the housing market in the area.
· Relationship between unemployment and downturn in housing sales and construction in the area.
And you know how is the situation in the region to buy or sell housing, and what you should do if you want that affect structural unemployment!
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