Monday, December 28, 2009

Gabriel Polaris Shocks Xtra 10

No to Xenophobia ... ... .. and less in the Classroom !!!!!

To fight something, the first thing to do is meet him.!

What is xenophobia?. In short, we could define this evil that comes from afar, such as anger, fear, distrust, disgust or hostility towards foreigners.
But, of course, not all foreigners, but to the "racist" or "xenophobic" in power, believed to be a "threat", which are below him, those that are social and economic status lower.

In fact, in our land, Andalucia, many people know the difference between what they call "Arabic", and called "moro". While the former, identified with wealth and petro-dollars that come to shop and spend money. These are usually more sympathetic to most people. The second, the "Moors" are immigrants too, but with very low purchasing power, workers who migrate across Europe and we see them in car used and charged to the brim with everything they have on the roof of the vehicle. Yes, we see every summer and Christmas cross the strait, they, unfortunately, only buy water and bread in supermarkets.

Well, the media, internet and word of mouth, we pass these subliminal messages that make us go accustomed to a "normal" conducive to racism and / or xenophobia.

Actually, both seniors, to educate, form or report at home, classrooms or media, not born racist or xenophobic. The xenophobic and racist it is!.

Since a child is born and up to 7 years, is acquiring a set of values \u200b\u200band slogans that those closest to him, and the child is transmitted naturally. At least, that is clear from recent reports social and psychological research on the sealing.

One of the things that teachers can do is tell the students "native" because of their age, possibly unaware that our country and specifically our region, have been historically, people emigrate. Well within: Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid etc. More industrial cities or towns that created jobs for people in disadvantaged regions (Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia, La Mancha, Galicia, etc..). O

abroad: American continent (most were Galician) and rich Europe (Germany, France, Switzerland etc.).

Well, parents, uncles, grandparents etc. of children now go to Schools and Institutes (a relative, who was known migrant) were migrants and in turn, aliens and strangers in other lands. What undoubtedly led them to have to adapt to different customs and unfortunately, a different treatment (sometimes insulting) from the "native" of those countries and regions.

So, knowing this, we should be more reflective (think a little about our way of thinking) and therefore will be more tolerant than any "distortion" or bad information, he believes "different" or threat .

different, we all are. It is very difficult, to find Two brothers are alike. Moreover, despite being twins, triplets etc. Each has its own personality. There is the issue. The person and personality.

The xenophobic, potentially, believes the "other", different, is a threat to their privileges. In the Hall, there is or there must be reason. Tear all the way with the same possibilities and will be the effort of each student, which will reward has been developed. In this case, the final grade.

Nor should we forget that the group, the more plural, more culturally and intellectually rich is talking. Or perhaps someone on football issues, certainly the good work of the Barcelona FC, which is a melting pot of players from different countries and cultures?. Not to mention others such as Real Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia etc. For pick up those who have played and play in Europe!.
is proven that after all, what happens to the xenophobic, he's afraid. Therefore, because of their ills on the other, the different and takes refuge among those who have the same fear him.
So that we fear?. If what we get, is the result of our work ... ... ... ... ... .. that we fear?.

If a good environment for study and work, we get the best of ourselves ... ... ... ... .... Why not make it easy?.

Well, we know, after the holidays ... ... ... ... .. A better job, make friends, become better partners and better equipment!

So be it!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Recommendation Letter For Culinary School

About Company types and legal forms.

One company, in economic terms, is a unit that meets the services of production factors (natural resources, labor and capital) and uses them to produce goods or services sold other companies, families or public administration. The complex reality which is the company, as an organizer of different elements and different functions, you can take two forms:
a) Individual, in which a person runs the company, provides capital and the risk.
b) Collective, in which several people agree to jointly develop that business involves action.

There is a feature common to all entrepreneurs: they are all people who must take risks. The risk is behind all decisions that affect the business because of the uncertainty that characterizes the environment (the possibility of falling sales, rising costs of failure ,...). providers Therefore, there is a risk-return relationship will always be integral to the company.


Recognising the immense variety of companies can not use a single criterion for classification and attends a number of them widely used, among which are:

1) According to the property or ownership of capital :
a) Private company:
The capital is owned by individuals. Within this can be given two options:
- Individual: The property is a single person.
- Social: the property is divided between two or more people called partners (joint ownership).
b) Public Company:
are those in which the capital belongs entirely to State or public entity
or partially but decisive factor in management decisions. In some companies such activity is not based solely on achieving a social cost (maintenance of employment, communication of geographical areas, securing energy supply, and manufacture of defense materials, etc.). Among these are: Renfe, Business Santa Barbara National.

2) Depending on their size:
There is no single criterion with respect to that indicator is more significant when talking about size, although the most common are: the number of employees, amount capital, production volume, turnover and value added. (In the latter criteria must take into account the influence of inflation based on the date of the data).
Regarding the number of workers tend to accept these criteria:

Business Type: N º Workers Net Assets (mil €) Turnover (million €)
Microenterprise: 1 to 10 employees and 5 mill. € of net assets.
Small: 10 to 50 employees, less than 27 mill. A. Less than 7 net mill. V. € sales.
Medium: 50 to 250 employees, More than 27 mill. € A. net and less than 40 miles. V. € sales.
Grande: More 250 employees and more than 40 miles. € of turnover.

In Spain, according to the Bank of Spain, small businesses account for 47.42%, 43.81% medium and large 8.72%. (Data 2008)

3) As legal form:
Regarding Legal Forms of Companies, one of the first decisions to be taken by the promoter or promoters of a new company, once studied and analyzed business plan feasibility, it is the choice of legal form to adopt (autonomous civil society, limited, anonymous ...). Here we show a comparative table with main legal forms, and in the bottom, some things to keep in mind to make the choice.

TYPES OF BUSINESS: No partners, capital and LIABILITY.
SELF: 1, no initial minimum resp. unlimited. CIVIL SOCIETY
: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY: 2 or more, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited.
PARTNERSHIP: At least 2, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited. SIMPLE COMANDIATARIA
SOCIETY: At least 2, there is no initial minimum resp. unlimited (general partners) and limited (limited partners) LIMITED
: Minimum 1, € 3005.06 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
CORPORATION: Minimum 1, € 60,101.21 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
SLLABORAL: Minimum 3, € 3005.06 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
SA LABOR: Minimum 3, € 60,101.21 cap. min. and limited to the capital.
COOPERATIVES: Minimum 3, minimum fixed by the statutes and limited to the capital.

Here are some points to consider:
1.-Type of activity to exercise. - The activity will develop the company can influence the choice of legal form in cases where the applicable regulations set a specific way. These exceptions to the general rule of freedom of choice. In addition, some authorities exclude certain legal forms to apply for certain grants and subsidies.
2.-Number of promoters .- The number of persons involved in the activity can influence the election. Thus, when several developers, it is advisable to incorporate a company. However, remember that it is possible to form a corporation, new company limited or restricted, with only one partner (sole proprietorship).
3.-Responsibility of promoters .- This is an important aspect. Liability for debts is limited to the capital contributed (corporations, limited ...) or be unlimited (autonomous civil society and community property), the latter affecting both the business assets and staff, when Entrepreneurship is not sufficient to cover its obligations.
4.-economic needs of the project .- In principle, civil societies are cheaper in its constitution as it is not necessary inclusion in the Register and, therefore, not have to go through the notary. Moreover, no minimum initial capital required. However, the Limited Partnership, the Limited Liability Companies and Labor Unions require notarial work and a minimum capital to start. But the initial outlay can compensate if the aim is to limit future liability to the capital and thus protect our personal assets.
1 Professionals and Self
2 Civil Society and Community Property and
3 Company Limited Company
4 Labour Cooperative Society and Society

* Since 1 that requires less paperwork and 4 that requires more.

.- 5.-Tax Issues The fundamental difference between societies and others in the tax through the income tax in the case of autonomous civil society and community property, either through corporation tax in the rest of society. Personal income tax applies a progressive tax rate that will rise as they increase profits. In the corporate tax rate applies fixed, which generally is 30%
6.-Image to customers .- Many customers and suppliers in the form set corporate legal to determine the degree of permanence of the same, and therefore the degree of reliability. Commercial companies (limited or anonymous) give a greater sense of permanence.

With this, we take a brief look at this section of Item 2 of Business Administration for 2 º de Bachillerato.

Courage and work together .... I hope your work.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Steve Byers Jennifer Kydd

WebQuest. " Trends in Real Estate and the Economy of the population, in "The Campo de Gibraltar". "

A WebQuest for 1 º Bachillerato course "Economics"

Designed by: Inmaculada Pérez Amorós


I'm sure you've heard many times in your area, the Country Gibraltar (Algeciras, La Linea, San Roque, Los Barrios and Tarifa), on the housing market and economy of people:
· You have a family member, friend or acquaintance in the "strike."
· Periodically the media: radio, print, television and so on. talk about it.
· Some time someone that you know has tried to buy a home, has done or has not been successful due to the high price of it.
· know of someone who has long been trying to sell your home.

Well, it's time that you know him more thoroughly (for something we are studying "economics") and for that I invite you to make the following investigations:
• What changes have you had?
• The evolution of the market and the economy is a current problem, or ... has always existed?
· What are the consequences?
• What do governments to try to fix it?

Por un momento os convertiréis en “Investigadores del mercado inmobiliario y del socio-económico de la comarca de “El Campo de Gibraltar” y asumiréis las funciones de:

· Estadísticos
· Especialistas en mercado inmobiliario
· Periodistas y comentaristas de noticias.



La tarea que debéis realizar es un informe, formado por 3 apartados:

· Informe estadístico: en él se explicarán diferentes conceptos del mercado inmobiliario and work in the area, making a study of their evolution. Be delivered in Excel format.
· Whitepaper: include an explanation of the causes and consequences of changes in the housing market and unemployment. And measures can be taken by governments (executive and regional) to improve access to housing and reduce unemployment. Be delivered in Word format. At least 10 pages.
· Press kit: formed by at least 10 news on the labor market and 10 news about the housing market. Each will be accompanied by a brief comment (minimum 10 lines). Furthermore, it shall indicate the date and means of publication.

The work should be taken forward through a presentation tool like PowerPoint.


To perform the work, you must follow these steps:


Deadlines are:

• A week to think and organize. • Two
class sessions (on computers) to find the necessary information.
• Two weeks to develop the work and its presentation.
• A final session to make the presentation.


I organizaréis in three groups of six to eight people. In each of them shall be the following profiles:

· Scientific-technical : be two or more persons with the following characteristics:
- Ability to handle large amounts of data.
- Ability to work with spreadsheets.
- Ability to interpret graphics. Researcher
· : one or two people with:
- Ability to synthesize and connect ideas.
- Ability to clear exposition of ideas.
- Ability to search resources on the network.
· Specialist: One or two people with the following characteristics:
- Creative and imaginative
- Ability to relate all knowledge of the subject.
- With

initiative ALLOCATION:

· technical scientific Profile: Responsible for:
- Explain the concepts of real estate, employment, unemployment and registered unemployment.
- Define Active population unemployed population, rate and make a graph from 2,005 to 2,008. Comment and justify its evolution
- Define the real estate market trends through a graphical representation of home sales from 2005 to 2.008.Comentar and justify its development.
- Fixed access to housing. Discuss possible solutions to access to housing based on income in this region.
- Define rate and make a graph from 2005 to 2008. Comment and justify its evolution
- Define occupancy rates and represent the total activity rate of each of the sectors.
- Define unemployment rate. Making a representation of the total unemployment rate, female and male. Discuss the evolution of the total unemployment rate related to the evolution of GDP.


· Profile: will:
- Make an explanation of the causes and consequences of declining home sales and unemployment. And the measures governments can take to improve home sales and increased employment.


· Profile: responsible:
- Search news related to the topic, commenting on each one of them.

All group members will show their partners the information they find. Among all decide which will be used for the preparation of work.

Following the script in the task draw up the work using the spreadsheet and word processor. This will be delivered in printed form.

EXPOSURE WORK: You will have to
an exhibition of approximately 10 minutes. For this utilizaréis a PowerPoint presentation


Each group member will seek information or questions that have been assigned. To do this you can use the following sources:

fifth book of text
· Pages Web (thay are sorted according to the profile that you have assumed for work). Scientific and technical
: ; ; ;
http : / / / statistics / features / index.htm ;
http://casas.facilisimo .com / preciometro / andalucia /à ± a # Evoluci.C3.B3n_hist.C3.B3rica_del_precio_de_la_vivienda / EV / femur / unemployment / unemployment . htm
http:/ / ; ; http://www.elmundo. com /


be evaluated:
• The written work
• The group work
• and oral presentation

various criteria will be listed each one of which will be assessed with a score between 1 and 4. In the end, add up all the scores and the final result is compared with the following table scales evaluation to determine the final evaluation: SCORE

Poor consolidation of 10 to 17 points

Learning average 18 to 27 points

Good learning of 28 37 points.

Excellence in learning, from 38 to 40 points.

(1) Written work

Limited Consolidation 1 point

Learning Environment 2 points

Good learning 3 points

Excellence in learning 4 points

(a) Amount of information:

. Limited Consolidation , if one or more issues are not addressed.
. Learning half, if all issues are addressed but without depth
. Good learning , if all issues are addressed and some
depth. Excellence in learning, if all issues are treated with depth necessary.

(b) Quality of information:

. E scase Consolidation , if the information is not related to the subject or well-organized.
. middle apprenticeship, if information but much of it is not relevant (much cutting and pasting) and is not properly organized.
. Good learning , if there are important, well-treated and organized, but gives no examples.
. Excellence in learning, if the information is well connected to the main theme and provides lots of examples. The organization is very good.

(c) Writing:

. Limited Consolidation , if there are many errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation
. Learning medium if there are few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.
. Good learning if almost no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.
. Excellence in learning, if no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.

(d) Conclusions:

. Low consolidation, if not add Trivia or personal opinion.
. Learning half , if limited Curiosities and brief personal opinion.
. Good learning , adding enough curiosity and personal opinion.
. Excellence in learning, if you add great variety of curious and interesting opinion.

(2) Work in groups.

Consolidation Low


Learning Environment 2 points

Good learning 3 points

Excellence in learning 4 points

(a) Participation:

. Low consolidation if often forgotten the necessary material and does not participate with their peers.
. Learning medium he almost always brings the necessary materials, but does not participate with their peers.
. Good learning he almost always brings the necessary materials and participate.
. Excellence in learning, always brings if necessary and active material.

(b) Use of time:
. Little consolidation if rarely have things done for the deadline and the group has had to adjust its schedule or appoints another person.
. Learning half, if you tend to procrastinate, but always has things done to deadline.
. Good learning if you use the time well throughout the project, but has been delayed once.
. Excellence in learning, whether it conforms perfectly to the deadlines set by the group.

(3). Oral presentation

Consolidation Poor: 1 point
learning environment: learning 2 points
Good: 3 points
Excellence in Learning: 4 points

(a) Expression:

. Low learning, the presentation is boring, we note that no
the subject domain. Not able to capture the attention of colleagues.
. Learning half, if the presentation is boring, but it has control of the subject. Not able to capture the attention of their peers.
. Good learning , if the presentation is dynamic, capturing the attention of their peers. But does not dominate too much the subject and is not able to answer questions from their peers.
. Excellence in learning, the presentation is dynamic, which makes capturing the attention of their peers. Is able to answer the questions raised by their peers.

(b) Use of support:

. Low learning, if not use props.
. Learning half, if not used correctly supports.
. Good learning , if they use supports that enhance the presentation.
. Excellence in learning, if they use supports that demonstrate creativity and significantly improve the presentation.

(c) Duration:

. Low learning, if the duration of presentation is significantly higher or lower than the stipulated.
. Learning half if the duration of the presentation is somewhat different from that stated.
. Good learning , if the duration of the presentation is slightly different from that stated.
. Excellence in learning, if the duration of the presentation is stipulated.

(d) listen to other presentations:

. Low learning, if uncomfortable during the presentation of other colleagues.
. Learning half, if not hear, but not annoying.
. Good learning , if you listen but not participate actively.
. Excellence learning, if you listen actively and ask questions.


¡!!!!! We finally finished!!, I hope so much effort has been productive and is all reflected in your report. I'm also sure that you have learned a lot (or at least some) things about:

• Which is the labor market and which indexes are used for testing.
. What we have unemployment rates in El Campo de Gibraltar and has evolved from 2005 to 2008.
• Which is the relationship between unemployment and GDP levels.
· What are the main sectors of the economy of the region.
· What are the sectors of the population most affected by unemployment.
· What are the consequences of unemployment in the area, both economic and social.
· How has evolved the sale of homes in the area.
· How has changed the price of homes in the area.
· What are the consequences of the decline in the housing market in the area.
· Relationship between unemployment and downturn in housing sales and construction in the area.

And you know how is the situation in the region to buy or sell housing, and what you should do if you want that affect structural unemployment!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stylish Slr Camera Bags For Women

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Put On A Headband Male

About The Economy and Economic Systems

1. Introduction.

Often, when you ask a definition of economics, the outsiders who come for the first time in this area tend to concepts related to money, the value of things or the wealth of individuals or countries . If you ask a person on the street their opinion on economic issues, his response probably allude to unemployment, rising prices or the stock market situation.

Indeed, the field of study Economy conventional covers all issues related to pricing of things, with the analysis of activities involving costs and produce measurable benefits in cash, in short, with the production and distribution of goods and services to satisfy human needs.

But money is not everything. In fact it is possible to solve many economic problems without using money. There was a time when human beings lived without money. More recently, in 1976, the Cambodian government of the Khmer Rouge abolished all forms of money and remained in the country demonetized economy for over three years. The results were very negative with a large fall in production and it is estimated that the labor camp killed three million people, but in any case was proved it was possible.

Moreover, the price of many things is not expressed in monetary units, the offender is arrested, for example, pays his debt to society in jail time. The same method which calculates the effect on the consumption of olive oil, a rise in price is also used by some theorists of the Economics of Law to estimate the effect of a rise in penalties for criminal activity . That said, we will study other concepts.

2. Concept Economics.

economy deals with managing scarce resources to produce and distribute goods and services to consumers. And they can be divided into two groups:
a) Microeconomics studies the behavior of economic units such as families, businesses, ...
b) Macroeconomics studies the functioning of the economy as a whole, reflected in a number of variables.

addition, this science is related to other sciences as Social Science: Philosophy (based on logical reasoning), History (explain the phenomena past economic), Law (define property), geography (environmental studies, trade relations and transport and communications), Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology (study of human behavior) and instrumental sciences: Math (to quantify), Statistics ( facilitates data).

The economy and the satisfaction of needs.

As explained earlier, the Economy, is to meet the needs of individuals, peoples, nations, etc ... ....

For example:

a) The resources are insufficient to meet our needs (Biological: eat, breathe, I want to improve and develop education, culture, pleasure, social factor, as civilization evolves increasing human needs.

b) may be material needs (food, clothing, housing) or intangible (education, leisure, self-esteem, affect).

c) The material needs are met: Real books that cover everyone's needs and economic goods that meet such needs housing, clothing, food. Education, leisure, ... are met with scarce goods and services and susceptible of different applications (eg the materials used in the construction of a house can also be used for a school, a bridge). This type of goods and services is the field of study of economics. Therefore an economic commodity must meet three conditions: serve some purpose, be low, and open to alternative uses.

d) The satisfaction of needs requires the company to engage in productive activities, which after manufacture is distributed for consumption.

e) The ratio of production (goods manufacture and decide that means) and consumption (the families decide how to distribute income to meet their needs.)

f) The property meets all that, directly or indirectly, the wishes or needs of human beings.

But also, we can study according to their typology:

a) According to nature, economic or scarce goods
= those who can not get enough to satisfy the desires. Free Real
= those for which there are enough to satisfy everyone.

b) According to materiality:
tangible property, works, ...
intangible assets or services: activities, knowledge, intangible object ......

c) According to nature: Consumer
: these are for the direct satisfaction of needs can be sustained as the computer or not lasting as gold.
capital or investment goods: are the goods used in the production of other goods, not directly satisfy human needs as an excavator, is divided into physical capital and human capital.

d) According to the function, can be: Real
end, have been the changes needed for use or consumption; car
Intermediate goods: they must undergo further changes before becoming a consumer or capital goods such as steel, flour ...

e) According consumption would be:
public goods: they are consumed simultaneously by several people, lighting, education ..
Private goods: they are consumed by one person.

we can say in general, the economy is to answer three basic questions: what, how, to whom. Regarding the first question is to determine:

a) what needs to be covered first, with what priority and in what proportion (basic needs, secondary or sumptuous).

b) what technology to use: with a lot of manpower or the equipment is key to the production.

c) decide whether to first meet basic survival needs of those not covered or have high needs or luxury of those who have amply covered the basics.

The economic problem: scarcity and the need to choose.

scarcity becomes an economic problem because the desire for gain is greater than available. This imbalance between needs and resources forces us to make economic decisions to decide where to allocate more resources (State) or how to distribute income (family).

To do this, let's explain some definitions and concepts:

is called opportunity cost when we decided to use the scarce resources given up the opportunity to use otherwise (prevents sports movies, build weapons makes you give up make roads). To calculate the difference between the two options. And the result is the opportunity cost of choosing an option.

The production possibility frontier (FPP) is the line or chart that reflects the options offered and the need to choose between them. If you are in the line (or indifference curve: it does not matter any points): When all available factors are being used efficiently to produce, inside: poorly produced, on the outside: you can not produce.

The production possibilities curve shows: the amount we can produce in a given period of time and resources and existing technology is limited and the opportunity costs (we can only obtain additional quantities of goods by reducing the production potential of another).

efficiency is called the maximum output that can be obtained from a well with specific resources. And economic efficiency when it can increase the quantity produced of one good without reducing the other.

production inefficiency is the minimum that can be obtained from a well.

3. Economic activity: production factors and economic agents.

resources or productive factors of production factors or resources are the basic elements or factors used in the production of goods and services. Are land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.
arable land for both urban and natural resources as land and sea.

b) The work is physical and intellectual powers of human beings involved in the production process.

c) The capital is the buildings, factories, machinery, furniture, equipment, inventory. Real or physical capital (machines, buildings) financial capital: available funds to purchase real capital (stocks, bonds), human capital (the intellectual or manual.)

d) Entrepreneurship is the ability to gather resources or other factors to produce goods, services and technologies.

4. Economic activity and economic actors .

agents of economic activity are the families, businesses, the public sector.

productive activities are grouped into three sectors:

a) Primary (agriculture, livestock, fisheries and mining) are the activities undertaken with the resources or raw materials.

b) Secondary (construction and industry) to transform materials into products or semi-processed.

c) Tertiary (transport, education, healthcare, banking, commerce, leisure) the provision of activities.

companies are units of production that uses factors of production and selling goods and services.

Types of companies

a) According to: industrial (transforming), commercial (do not change compared to only sell then buy), service (provided directly activities).

b) According to legal nature: individual and collective (limited stock, cooperatives, labor corporation, partnership).

c) by size: large (over 250), medium (50-100 / 100-250), small (10-50), micro (1-10).

d) As geographical area: local, regional, national, multinational.

- The home or domestic economy
Families (domestic economies or households) are the units that consume goods and services and provide resources (labor and capital) firms.

- The State public sector
The public sector bodies and all government (local, regional or state) that functions as a unit of production and consumption. It also establishes the policy trying to achieve full employment, GDP growth, price stability and equitable distribution of income.

5. Economic Systems.

economic system is called the way in which economic activity is organized in a society, the production of goods and services and their distribution among its members. Every economic system is characterized by specifying the legal ownership and the terms of engagement between individuals. Is the state that develops and enforces the law and reserves to himself some areas and forms of action. The economic system therefore serves to determine which agents and under what conditions may take economic decisions. The

classical economist Karl Marx suggested that the economic system used by every human society depends on the development of productive forces, especially the expertise, accumulated capital and population. While the law is adequate to the level of productive forces, Marx said, they can develop without severe tensions appear, but there comes a time when the productive forces have grown so much that the social structure, instead of enhancing their development appears as a limitation, a brace that prevents their growth. That's when the legal superstructure and consequently the ownership, is forced to change shape more or less abrupt.

1) What have been the economic systems in the twentieth century?

Market Economy:
This system of exchange founded for the pursuit of profit and at the core market for the widening global and the increasingly more complex forms of activity that opens the new business market. Economic system based on private ownership of the means of production. Decentralized decisions made by individual economic agents who seek to maximize their benefits are guided by the teachings of prices issued by the market, which operates freely without any type of regulation or intervention external to it. The allocation of productive resources are made freely by the operations of a free market in which prices respond to the forces of supply and demand.

Centrally Planned Economy:
a) An economic system based on collective or state ownership of means of production, and that the decisions of individual agents should join all or part of the plans developed by Policymakers in the system, the market is replaced by centralized decision making based on any action plans that are mandatory for all operators.
b) political and philosophical doctrine that proposes the creation of a classless society for which they are required to eliminate the private ownership of the means of production by replacing state ownership to them or by some form of collective control of them.
This involves the removal of the market system and the creation of centralized planning methods of production and distribution of goods and services.

Market Mixed Economy: An economic system where the state intervenes to regulate market failures. Arises from the problems that caused the system market economy where the state began to assume a major role.

2) What have been the contribution to the economy of these characters?

a) Quesnay: Make a remarkable description of the economy as a circular flow is still used in current texts.
b) Adam Smith : analyzed the basis of price and income distribution conducted one of the first empirical studies of inflation but his most recognized contribution was that the market mechanism was a natural order is regulated by itself. In 1776 he published "The investigation on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations ".
c) David Ricardo : He wrote his principles of political economy and taxation are in-depth analysis of the nature of economic rent presented a careful analysis of value. We also analyzed the patterns of international trade and proposed a rudimentary version of the law of comparative advantage. Ricardo autumn presented a vision of capitalism.
d) Karl Marx: Marx cares about the economy. For problems of workers . With this proposed class struggle in establishing the term collectivism as fatal and necessary in evolution of societies. Marx founded the International Workers Association. Marx focused on the capital and the critique of political economy. Those related to the concepts of thinkers of the time especially Adam Smith and David Ricardo, as the work is the only source of income. Its main work is "The Capital" in 1867. In the '90s, some people still argue the validity of Marxist doctrine as a method of interpretation of history.
e) JS Mill: wrote in his classic work on political economy principles relate the national and international trade has been the champion of free trade.
f) TR Malthus: While that work continued to grow, food will tend to increase in arithmetical progression and not in geometric progression. Wrote a book that was used to defend the needs of English law review on the poor.
g) Walras: discovered how to make the economy as a whole (as a simultaneous general equilibrium in all markets of labor, land and production).
h) Marshall: was a hypercritical with their own writing was a founder of the modern economy exposed through graphical representations, was able to make a great synthesis trying to combine the best of classical economics with the afterthought.
i) JM Keynes : dealt a mortal blow to the belief in Say's Law and Keynesian economics, also wrote the general theory in 1936.
j) Aristotle economic thinking began with and continued with the teachings of the medieval Scholastics. These first movements are occupied to a lesser extent policy doctrines such as the idea of \u200b\u200bfair compensation intended to indicate that the value of the goods.

3) arises why the market has triumphed as an economic system?

- began to emerge global consensus around the belief that market forces would help accelerate the development in less industrialized economies, although there is still no agreement on the degree of intervention that governments should have in this process.
During the 1980's and early 1990, more countries, as diverse as China, India, Brazil and Tanzania, imposed reforms aimed at restoring the free market. The experience of Southeast Asian countries was considered, by some, as the triumph of market economies, but for others it was only a demonstration of combining the advantages of markets with an intervention effective government, perhaps too effective so that you can copy any government.

- The market where supply and demand made and puts the fair price of the products as it takes to make the product, this method of exchange is typical of capitalism and is where you perform goodwill.

4) Main distinguishing features of the current economic system.


Who makes the decisions? Decisions are made
traders in the market, decide what, how and for whom to produce increasing importance of large corporations or oligopolies that interfere the free market.

What is Property?
The property is private. Individuals are the owners of productive assets.

Who directs the production?
The employer makes decisions about what and how to produce.

What the philosophy that drives economic activity?
The philosophy behind saving activity is profit.

How are prices?
prices are set by the market according to supply and demand.

What role does the state?
The state produces the economic framework that guarantees freedom of the market.

b) In the centrally planned economy.

Who makes the decisions?
is the state that plans and decided through the planning institutions (ministries, etc). State enterprises decide on small-scale targets.

What is Property?
The means of production are the collective and state ownership on its behalf consumer goods can be privately owned.

Who directs the production?
The production is directed by the state through planning institutions. State enterprises in accordance with the plan. What

philosophy governing economic activity?
The philosophy that drives economic activity is the equal distribution of income and wealth.

How are prices? Prices are set
planning agencies.

What role does the state?
The State directs all, economically.

c) in mixed economies:

Who makes the decisions?
Decisions are made by economic agents through the market. Importance of state in the provision of certain goods and services (social) importance of multinationals.

What is Property?
property is the state and private property.

Who directs the production? The production is directed
private entrepreneurs in all matters relating to their field. The state sets the goods and services provided to the community.

What the philosophy that drives economic activity?
The philosophy that drives economic activity is that of profit in the private sphere, combined with the improvement of social welfare.

How are prices?
prices are set by the market. The State reserves the setting of public goods.

What role does the state?
The State develops the economic framework and guaranteeing the social rights of citizens.

6. The distribution of surplus in the current economic systems.

"The product of the ground-everything that is derived from its surface by application of labor, machinery and capital is divided among the three classes of the community, namely the owner land, the owner of the stock or capital necessary for its cultivation and workers, through whose efforts it is grown.
But at different stages of society, the proportions of the total output of the land, which will be distributed to each of these classes, under the names of land rent, profit and wages, will be essentially different, depending mainly on soil fertility, capital accumulation and population and the skill, ingenuity, and instruments used in agriculture.. "
He said, David Ricardo, in Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 1817.

Well, in the central planning system are the state economic planning bodies that decide the fate of the surplus, based on political considerations and equity. To this end, encourage the development of public services and certain productive sectors considered of national interest.

In the system of market economy, private enterprise and the market play the key role in all economic decisions. Thus the surplus resulting from deducting the cost of revenue which involves the operation of enterprises, is the benefit to the employer as payment for its initiative, its capital and risk taking.

Finally, in countries with mixed market economy, the situation described above is supplemented by government intervention to limit the inequalities generated by the economy pure market. Thus, labor income, interest on investments and business surpluses have to pay taxes to fund public works for everyone and, besides, scholarships, pensions, subsidies and social assistance aimed at people with fewer resources.

Friday, September 25, 2009

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On increasing the Underground Economy!

For Black economy, means the system of exchange of goods that remain outside the control of the state. ... Or, to all economic activities in a hidden way to the Treasury, so it does not appear in official statistics and, therefore, not taxed.

Al mind and due to the dramatic rise in unemployment, has caused the economy to trigger a 30% since July, according to estimates from the Labour Inspectorate and Social Security.

This is the result of an investigation start before summer by the Ministry headed by Don Celestino Corbacho, which was intensified by 30% actions on economy (basically, companies with workers without high on Social Security, lower wages than legal, poor safety and health at work and companies used by foreigners without work permits).

The sample is, in the amount of fines imposed on companies and workers, the Inspectorate expects to raise more than 300 million euros, a historical figure was not reached before. Last year, in crisis, raised 292 million.

The sectors in which there has been a further increase in the underground economy is the hospitality and services and agriculture, plus construction. "The increase in unemployment puts people in precarious situations and agrees to do things in a normal situation or arise," said Don Carlos Moyano union president Inspectorate of Labour and Social.

Moyano ensures that we are seeing situations that years ago were gone. "For example, he says, " we enter into a work and the workers jump from the scaffold and run away to avoid being caught. It was an image not seen for 10 years or more. "

In the field, the actions are done with the help of the Guardia Civil, so that workers are less likely to flee. A dramatic situation, as Moyano, which mostly blames employers. "It is clear that no worker wants to make his work in such conditions, but the situation forces him and entrepreneurs take advantage. "

Geographically the largest number of inspections and fines have been produced in Andalusia (which has the largest share of agriculture) and Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia (the three communities that include more leisure facilities).

According to the experts consulted, the economy of black money in Spain, the World Bank in 2007 amounted 22.6% of GDP, and the could exceed 25%, equivalent to 250,000 million, a figure much higher.

Therefore, an important thing to consider. Trust policy to be made efficient so that through SMEs, to return to employment generation. And so our economy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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About the Sicav!! On the Andalusian Economy

soon begin the school year at IES Levante and again classes Economy and Business Economics . However, I have received some emails from students who are interested in something that gets a lot lately in the media, and are not anything but the Sicav , the Capital Investment Company variable. And let them talk.

A SICAV (Investment Company with Variable Capital) is a collective investment vehicle (IIC if we use the terminology of the English regulations for investment funds), under English law (there are also European Sicav, Luxembourg and French majority, with the same performance than the English, to be European UCITS). They operate almost like an investment fund, though much less known.

Therefore, we can define as collective investment institutions of a financial nature in the form of limited company whose business is investment in financial assets and instruments.
It also allows channel investments through a flexible instrument that perfectly fits the risk profile of each client.

The SICAV is an ideal instrument to channel private savings in order to obtain the best financial performance and optimize the fiscal impact.
(photo: advertising sales Sicav)

Small differences in relation to an investment fund:

is governed by a General Meeting where they go all shareholders (investors) and a Council Management Act (SA)
- The Sicav automatically expand or reduce capital daily as investors buy or sell new shares they have. All have daily liquidity.
- The Sicav, publicly traded, but not in the continuous market, but in the MAB (Alternative Investment Market). So to buy shares of any Sicav, you need a brokerage account and transfer the order to your broker as if they were shares of Telefónica for example.
The SICAV, as well as the Funds may have different investment philosophy, 100% in fixed income, 100% on the exchange, joint investment, etc ....

Capital minimum to be a Sicav is 2,400,000 Euros and must have a minimum of 100 investors. In these times of insecurity bank, no more safe and secure assets that the Funds and Sicav Investment and Pension Funds, by having their assets protected by the Depository and separated from the balance sheets of banks and savings .

In practice there are two types of investment companies in the market, which are owned by large fortunes of the country, Emilio Botin, Amancio Ortega, Alicia Koplovitz, the Entrecanales, the Del Pino or Andika Isaak has their own Sicav, and therefore not actively traded to any investor, and the Sicav are actively marketed to investors as any country's investment fund. Koala Capital Sicav, is an example of this second type.

As with the funds, the current market crisis has cooled the creation of new Sicav, in fact for the first time in many years are closing more Sicav of which are created. Precisely for this reason, these days, there are several questions that people ask about these societies. For example:

What are the advantages of these investment companies?
exchange for the above requirements, benefit from a tax rate in the tax Companies 1%, compared with 30% of large companies and 25% of SMEs. However, the taxation of the sale of shares and capital gains, is like that of other investments, 18%. And the dividends to be distributed, do not entitle the recipient to deduct.

And why criticize?
For obvious reasons, the Sicav were created to encourage collective investment. However, that nature has become many times in a trap, because a single shareholder provides the majority of capital and the other 99 (or more) are simple "extras" to achieve the required minimum.
This means that in practice, a single fortunate to benefit from favorable taxation.

How much money managed?
the end of 2008, according to the latest data available on the CNMV , portfolio investment in the SICAV stood at 22.483 million euros, compared with 30,684 (poor little rich) a year earlier. The total assets, meanwhile, fell by 20.7% to 24.942 million euros.

Can anyone have a Sicav?
Theoretically yes, provided that the minimum required to invest in each company as marking the statutes. This minimum is usually greater than 3000 euros.

" Those with Sicav?
Well, apparently, very rich and famous such as Amancio Ortega, the Koplowitz, the Del Pino family or Entrecanales etc.
And lately, came out in the media a list that was composed by: Alicia Koplowitz, Juan Abello, Manuel Jove, José Lladró, Pedro Almodovar, Ram Bahvnani, Ramón Martínez, Luis Batalla, Luis Muñoz Deuve, Perfecto Palacio de la Fuente, the Fernandez Somoza, the Hernandez Barrera, the Serratosa Caturla, the Suñer ... Well, have lost 106.9 million euros Madoff in the scam.

I hope that from now you may have some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat these last few weeks, at home, and on the street and the media are talking about. Perhaps because it has opened a debate where some think it would be good to increase the deductions in these societies and others, do not consider it wise, for the possible flight of capital.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Spells That Work For How To Become A Werewolf

Building Topic XII of the Course of Economy of 1 High School, which these days explaining to my students of the IES Release of Algeciras, I will discuss the last topic of this subject and entitled "Andaluza Economy." In this post, let's do a short tour with no other interest than to clarify a number of concepts which by their Currently they can supplement the texts we studied and discussed in the classroom.

Andalusia is the most populated autonomous community of Spain (8,202,220 inhabitants in 2008) and the second largest, which together with its history and culture gives it a unique and decisive weight the whole of Spain. As for economics, is the third largest economy Spain in size of its Gross Domestic Product . The wealth it produces and keeps people employed, the tertiary sector is the most important. Tourism is of great concern to the community, the first of Spain income from this source. Within the primary sector there is a predominance of regional agricultural sub-sector as the industry is located mainly in the west, the coastline and major population centers


understand by conducting a work activity for which you receive money in return. The jobs that people can develop categorized them into groups called sectors or sectors of production.

There are three sectors:

1.-The Primary Sector
3.-Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector


is composed of workers who obtain raw materials directly from nature. The raw material is anything that serves to transform themselves or to sell as it gets. Workers in this sector are farmers, ranchers, fishermen and miners.
of every 100 workers in Andalusia, about 24 workers in this sector, so it is very important for the regional economy.

a) Agriculture:

Agriculture is an activity in plant products obtained by cultivating the land. Andalusia is the first agricultural region of Spain thanks to its favorable climate because their land is very fertile, ie produce good plants.
Plants need water to grow, hence there are two types of crops, as will be sufficient to rain water or well watered need:
rainfed crops do not need artificial irrigation but are satisfied with the rainwater. They are the most predominate in the interior plains , where olive growing vines and cereals such as wheat and barley are also grown sunflowers and fruit trees such as almonds.
irrigated crops need to be watered artificially. Extend the vegas of major rivers and the coast of Almería, Granada and east of Malaga. The major irrigated crops are rice, sugar beet, cotton, fruit and vegetables, like peppers and tomatoes. Thanks to the greenhouses on the coast of Almeria, Granada and Malaga can get several harvests per year.

b) Livestock:

Ranching is the raising, feeding and caring for animals, like cows, goats, sheep, pigs and horses, for animal products like meat and milk . It has economic importance of agriculture in Andalusia. The cattle are concentrated in areas unsuitable for cultivation, such as mountain areas.
Sheep (sheep) is the most important of them all. It grows in the provinces of Cordoba and Granada.
The pigs (pigs) is especially in the oak forests of Sierra Morena .
Cattle (cows and bulls) are raised in the Valle del Guadalquivir .
equines (horses) has copies of fame in the province of Cadiz.
The goats (goats) occurs throughout the region.

c) Fishing:

Fishing is to obtain large quantities of fish for human consumption. Our Community is the second region Fisheries of Spain for its extensive coastline and its good ports and fishing grounds nearby. A fishery is a place in the sea where fish abound consume.
There are two types of fishing, as carried away or near the coast.
The fishing is done far from our shores, especially on the coast of Africa. It is caught tuna, hake and squid. In the fishing boats are several days at sea.
Inshore fishing is practiced by all the Andalusian coast, caught anchovies, sardines and shellfish. In the inshore fishing boats often return to port each day.
The main fishing ports are in Huelva and Cádiz in the Atlantic and Algeciras, Málaga and Almería in the Mediterranean.

d) Mining:

mining is to obtain stones of any mineral that serves to transform it into metal. The minerals are obtained from mines that are outside or inside of the earth. These minerals are torn handled by the miners working in mines. Andalusia has important mineral deposits in the Cordillera Penibética and Sierra Morena. Highlights
coal mines Peñarroya (Córdoba) the lead of La Carolina (Jaén) and copper at Rio Tinto (Huelva).


also called Industrial Sector. Factories and industries are the places where some products are transformed into other people need. In this sector work transforming people about other products, as in construction or in the car factories. Andalusia is little industrial as only 21 out of 100 Andalusian workers working in this sector.
The main industrial areas are concentrated on the Andalusian coast and Valle del Guadalquivir, although most are not exploited today. Andalusia food processing industries, which are transforming agricultural products in ready to eat. There are oil industries, wine, meat products, canned fish and sugar industry. There is also
metal industries, chemicals, textiles, construction and paper.


sometimes called service sector. It employs people who provide a service or helping others, not obtain or process products such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, waiters, taxi drivers, traders, ... In this sector, which is the most important in Andalusia, work for 54 100 workers from Andalusia.
There are many activities that belong to this sector. Then we will expose those with more workers in Spain.

a) Tourism is the most important activity in this sector and is responsible for providing the services needed by people visiting a place: hotel accommodation, visits to monuments and museums, organization of activities free time, meals in restaurants.
There are two types of tourism it receives Andalusia
The sun and beach tourism, which occurs throughout the coast.
cultural tourism, which is mainly in the provincial capital visit monuments, museums and places of interest.
In recent years also is promoting sports tourism, rural tourism, etc..

b) trading is the buying and selling products. It is very important in this sector. The main types of trade are small, specialized shops
: butchers, shoe ...
stores: supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc. ... You are in big towns.
Stores: who supply products to stores or large areas.
Weekly markets in almost all areas of Andalusia.

c) Transportation is the economic activity that involves moving people or goods from one place to another. Is done in three ways or paths:
road. By buses, trucks and cars across roads or highways. Or by using the railroad trains.
Seaway. By cargo or passenger ships. Andalusia major seaports, such as Algeciras and Malaga among others, and the Sevilla which is the only river port Spain.
Air. By aircraft. It is used especially to transport people long distances in short time.


 The pillars that remains are the construction, trade, transport, tourism and government.
 The core industrial activities are the main problems relate to the small industry in value added (difference between value of goods produced and the cost of raw materials and other intermediate goods used to produce them) regional .
 A significant external dependence and the economy Andalusian meet their needs through imports.
Since 1993 the regional economy began a sustained growth due mainly to the convergence process of Spain and Europe.


Andalusia occupies the penultimate position in the ranking according to GDP per capita and its growth over recent years can not be described as moderate.
The regional economy is characterized by its high sensitivity to economic cycles that affect it. This is mainly due to:
• The existence of deep structural weaknesses that limit the degree of response of the Andalusian Economy and the inability of economic mechanisms in the region to make their own adjustments.
• The dependency of financial resources.
The analysis of the existing infrastructure of the regional economy resulting in a favorable position in regard to economic infrastructure. Andalusia
also appears in a turn-key, despite being the penultimate Autonomous Region in income per capita in the country, with regard to scientific and technological potential, ie with regard to universities and government-dependent. However, when analyzing the level of skills of the workforce Andalusia is centered in the fourth group training with Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha, the Canary Islands and Galicia (Pontevedra excluded)

PROBLEMS In Andalusia

In Andalusia XXI in Europe will be more integrated than ever, but return must adapt strongly to new conditions of global competition for the best use of your best resources: the emerging new agriculture and tourism.
The primary problem that we encounter is the labor market situation, ie the unemployment rate in Andalusia (approx. 24%). The intensity of it is a consequence of the accumulation three main circumstances:
 Raising the rates, largely due to demographic factors (the incorporation of youth into the labor market, increased female participation rate.)
 The concentration of demand work in major cities in contrast to the decline in geographic mobility.
 Changing the industrial relations framework which makes the renewal of templates and the accessibility to the labor market.
should be clear that the labor reforms introduced since 1933 had an immediate positive effect on the number of hires, but the problem persisted and that these contracts were not indefinite. Increased hiring temporary and part-time while full-time is reduced.
This problem of such dimensions requires a national solution, but this does not mean that Andalucia has to take a passive position, on the contrary, has to participate actively in the design of national policy and, especially, should start their own strategies (especially for farming to combat unemployment).

AGRICULTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT: In Andalusia employment problems is to make a special appeal to rural unemployment. Andalusia and Extremadura are the only English regions where it is very important to this major problem. These deficiencies can be linked to employment:
• The intermediation of institutional mechanisms (INEM) as entry to the labor market, often avoided in rural areas because of the abundance of irregular activities and the extent of what known as culture of multiple sources of income and occupation is seasonal in different activities over the years.
• The job, which is particularly low in rural areas and access to employment normally involves migration. The cost of this presents and the existence of alternative ways of survival (ie, the rural employment scheme: PER) justify the length of time unemployed.

PER The rural employment scheme satisfies the minimum conditions of subsistence to the unemployed rural population. Provides solutions to the problem but viewed from a purely economic perspective, the PER is a tool monger stay unemployed. The fact that this plan would lead to migration so that their removal would have undesirable consequences from the point of view.


The main objectives would be very easy to deduce, to end the inability to create jobs correct patterns of inequality, reducing the relationship between the production system and the environment ending the exploitation of natural resources, promote industrial development in Andalusia final. ANDALUSIA


Andalusia has not been immune to the process of globalization of world economy. This process has resulted in the implementation of common business strategies in different markets and increased standardization of products.
Global competition is related to the phenomenon of internalization of the company, This has been driven primarily by the level of activity in the area of \u200b\u200bcapital movements unknown prior to the last decade.
The above process of globalization has set up a global competition in which competitive advantage rests increasingly on factors such as quality and product differentiation, technological level and production attributes of productive factors. Besides the phenomenon of internationalization of enterprises, trade expansion and increased capital mobility, the improving economy is encouraged by the formation of large economic regions based on customs union treaty and trade, free trade zones, etc.. ANDALUCIA


stops should be noted that migration and displacement of population to large cities, the primary sector's contribution to the formation of regional GDP is around 10% of the total pressure on the young labor market is reduced. However, certain features of the Andalusian economic structure remain the expulsion of the active population in agriculture, natural constraints to the maintenance of certain activities, or the increase in female participation rates and unemployment.

the regional economy BEFORE A NEW MILLENNIUM.

Andalusia has gone from being a backward region to become a region with a modern and productive economic system similar to the Western world's most advanced. The remarkable economic growth has been due in part to the increase experienced by the scale of production due to the sharp increase in capital, labor, and especially productivity per worker.
growth has also been stimulated by improvements in efficiency, the new process of computerization, telecommunications development, etc. All this has caused a shift in aggregate supply curve to the right and increase the productive potential of the regional economy.
Looking ahead, the regional economy has the following features:
• The competitiveness is to be considered deeply as the regional economy can not promote their development if there are no imports, outflows of goods and rivalries.
• The socio-economic situation poses a difficult problem in regard to water resources due to the high consumption of them and their existence.
· We must reemphasize the problem of rural areas and their strike and should have special consideration.
• The technological factor strongly influences the future in the regional economy and provides the opportunity to communicate in real time to new initiatives.


Projections for 2009 are quite pessimistic. The regional economy has entered recession, registering two consecutive quarterly declines in regional GDP due to the fall in household consumption and strong investment decline. Projections for 2009 are not very hopeful and paint a scenario even more negative. And, according to estimates by Economic Analyst Andalusia, Unicaja research firm, the regional economy could fall by 3%, in line with the English economy. Earlier this year, the panel expected a decline of 1.3 percent, but the "worsening economic outlook" is forced to make a downward revision of growth prospects towards the end of año.Así things, analysts expected in late 2009, Ontario has 1.1 million unemployed, representing an unemployment rate of 27 percent of its population, a figure which amounts to nearly 10 points to the English average. Job losses occurred mainly in the provinces of Granada, Malaga and Almeria, due to falling construction sector, while unemployment has risen Almeria and Malaga, with percentages close to 25 percent.
in 2009 will continue this trend, warning Unicaja, which states that the provinces that will be most affected by job losses will Almería, Huelva and Granada.La construction is the sector that will suffer the biggest decline, down close to 9, 5%. At this point, the coordinator of the report, Felicia Becerra, said the regional economy last year lost about 167,000 jobs, of which over 140,000 were for construction.
On the other hand, increased public works could not offset the sharp drop in the residential sector, reducing the housing starts by about half, while the number of buildings under construction is at levels similar to 1999. Real estate activity has also fallen "dramatically" and expectations for this year are even more negative, as anticipated endorsed housing.
also expected a decline in building starts around 25%, although given the stock of unsold homes, any forecast must be taken with caution, says that document.
But not only has lowered the construction sector, but others have been affected, such as industry (-6%), agriculture (-2.6%) and services (-1.3%). With regard to the latter sector, the report notes that is expected to continue the path negative activity in the tourism and transport, as evidenced by the forecasts for 2009 hotel demand (-5.3%) or air passenger traffic (-12.6%).
Analysts also noted that the growth of consumer prices continued the downward trend started in mid-2007 due to moderation in the increase in food prices and declining prices of motor fuels. Under such conditions, the Economic Analyst CEO, Francisco Villalba, stressed the need to raise an "urgent reform agenda" for "design the future that we want to " with labor market measures, the Toledo Pact, education system and commitment to research and development, among others. CONCLUSIONS

The growth pattern of the regional economy, in past years has rested on a major consumer, construction and tourism. The technological and innovative is a challenge to develop the entire production.

Looking ahead, the pattern of growth should be balanced and reoriented toward exports and investment in equipment. The stimulus of competition, increased productivity and encourage investment in new technologies should be the mainstays of economic growth.

However, the extent of worldwide recession will adversely impact the regional economy, as there are uncertainties regarding the high growth of exports from the region occurred in 2008 remain in 2009. However, there are important support elements that could help reduce the expected decline in economic activity. These brackets are the reduction in energy prices, lower interest rates or tax programs and aid the financial system implemented by the central government and the Andalusian.

The economic crisis will be especially pronounced during the middle quarters of this year, ie April to September. If the forecasts are true, things will improve as 2010 progresses.

As the work developed by BBVA Research Department, Andalusian greater exposure correction in the housing sector, the worst labor market trends and contraction of household consumption are behind the adjustment of the economy of Andalusia is higher than that of other English regions.

This report finds that job destruction in the community (4.9%) is almost a point above the to be in Spain in 2009 (4%). In this regard, the Research Service report indicates that Andalusia BBVA should be reoriented towards new technologies and continue to invest in human capital as a way to advance productivity.

For individuals, as we are living it, are difficult and would have to apply a phrase from Seneca (Cordoba, 4 BC - Rome, 65), when he said .. " Buy only what is necessary, not appropriate. unnecessary, even if it costs a penny, it is expensive . " Because the economy for him, was very clear when also said ... "the economy is the science of removing the cost superfluous. "

Ministry of Economy and Finance (Junta de Andalucia)
economic analysts Andalucia (Unicaja)
Economics 1 º Bachillerato (ALGA)