Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spinning Bikes Squealing

well ..........

The saying goes, "Is well born, being grateful."

For this reason, so from this blog, I thank the knowledge that I have provided throughout the course of "digital media in the classroom."

has been a laborious task because, my knowledge in both computer and Internet, were to start very basic. However, as the course progressed, module by module, I could see how the blog was growing and taking life. And I have no doubt that will improve and grow as if it were a living being.

currently comprises Posts exercises created as well as work with learners as (digital journalists in the classroom), including articles on current issues related to the subject of economics (which is mine).

Of this, a simple way, we are becoming digital journalists occasionally, due to a common interest: The Economy, the learners as to raise the note of class and teacher, to use this tool to be become, in my opinion, add value to classroom teaching.

Therefore, I want from here, where we have come across the foreground, to express my gratitude to witness ISFTIC , as an institution and the tutor of course, Ms. Carmen Fernández Gómez for their support, encouragement and stimulation that they can not conquer this goal: My training in the course and positive impact on motivation and good work of learners as the course IES Economics Levante.

I said, thank you very much, because "it is well .......... born to be grateful."

Monday, April 27, 2009

Trailfire Track Length

"The Digital Media in the Classroom, a value for l @ s alumn @ s professor in the subject of economics."

"Some salient features of the high school today, what we mean by education is dynamic, evolving and must continue to evolve."

can not teach today in the same way as was done 15 years ago or today will do the same within a very short time. Today's society is evolving at a high speed and teaching, if you want to be effective it has to do with a similar speed.

Thanks mainly to the Internet, we now have easy access to a wide variety of materials, good quality, very well presented and, properly used, can lead to a more individualized education.

In general, teachers of the Institute does not have great computer skills beyond using a word processor and the Internet. Among them I find myself. First, therefore, was to analyze the real possibility of making a team work in the classroom and with a tool to motivate and help improve the understanding of the subject of economics and also the understanding and investigation of any matter through teamwork.

two months ago when we started this experiment, both students and teachers, we could not imagine what it would mean in application of ICT, what they learned in the course of digital media in the classroom.

Like all beginnings, was a little complicated because, no l @ @ s present in Economics class, we worked on it. As So it was slow and much hesitation, till we start with the first exercise where students formed into groups were preparing to work through the various teams of journalists that were issues explaining the subject in class.

already are three exercises that have taken place between two courses of Bachelor of Economics Course and can take stock of this experience.

I note first the ISFTIC, as an agency and in particular Ms Carmen Fernández Gómez, as coordinator of the course on digital media in the classroom. " Mentioned that through the course, have provided training, tools and support to this teacher to start with my students, what is now a reality, the blog of "Macueconomía" ( ).

Through this blog, the students are participating with your comments and providing additional information to the posts or articles from different topics of the subject of Economics. Getting thereby advance the understanding of the issues that exist in the classroom and improve their knowledge of the subject.

Students can communicate with each other and with the teacher. This communication is via email. This creates an alternative path communication allowed to ask and answer questions, make suggestions, provide jobs and transmit messages that are needed.

When I posed to the students the opportunity to work on the blog, the reception was quite favorable. Some even showed some enthusiasm. Possibly one of the aspects that influenced this was the she said she could access it with their own work and that these will serve to improve concepts and of course, the note class.

of itself, is considered very difficult, or impossible, to motivate the Institute to study with an interest beyond that of, at best cases get approved with a 5. But if you can not motivate them, the challenge is to try to connect to them using technological means that are so familiar and keep them occupied so long. This is getting into your computer to try and a different contact.

Experience has virtually said it before, two months. In fact, we are learning in the work we're doing on the net at the time of their own classroom.

Why has served the application of digital media in the classroom so far?

has allowed the following:

1.Incluir diagrams and articles (posts) of the contents of the textbook to help them study. As appropriate, these schemes can be included before or after study topics they have studied and they have made one themselves.
2. Propose exercises and activities, both mandatory and voluntary, without copying them.
3. Discuss solutions to the activities that they can review and evaluate themselves.
4. Propose and present information, for example, newspaper articles, news or photographs related to each topic, etc.
5. Having an annotated bibliography for those who want to use it.
6. Include a list of links to Internet sites with useful information, as videos, radio, Internet TV, etc.
7. Try a different way to study, to raise the education and interact with students.
8. In general, and in addition to what is done in the classroom, we try to include materials that are considered most appropriate to improve student performance.

An assessment

From what I have seen, what has been done so far has led to the following:
Working in groups, probably not all students have actively participated in the experiment. While being very structured groups with specific functions for each of the components, each has put their grain of sand to bring the best possible end group's work. There is evidence that all groups 5 in 1 º Bachillerato and the 3 groups of 2 have Bachillerato activities.
From which, we note that in each period is locate the individual and thus have better perception of the work of each student.

Overall, the positive reaction has been to teams where they were the most outstanding students in the class, otherwise normal thing to be starting in this system.

Students who have little interest in the study did not appear that at the moment and under present conditions, see increased interest this experience, although some are coming slowly. However, should more accurately assess the experience when you do more exercises and leave by filing errors.

Students who have actively entered into the blog, have worked and paid more than if they had been limited to the classroom. It has been used less time to prepare the information provided that if he had had to write, print, photocopy and distribute.

why I believe in my humble opinion, that the digital media in the classroom is a complementary tool for secondary education and value for motivation, understanding of the subject of Economics y el trabajo en equipo. Valores muy importantes no sólo para el alumno, sino para el individuo.

Seguro que el próximo curso lo haremos mucho mejor.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carbon Monoxide Detector Near Oven

About The New Economy and Electronic Commerce "

Money - Pink Floyd

Post, para ejercicio de los tres grupos de 2 º Bachillerato Economics and Business Organization, Levante- IES Algeciras (Cádiz ) . Groups: Maslow, W. Ouchi and Grupaire .

Currently, consumers have no need to travel to other countries to buy products that previously have or could have known. For their part, marketers have found a method almost "magical" to bring their products to a wide customer base without falling into the costs and paperwork until a few years ago could not have been avoided. Thanks to the Internet, offering travel products for cyberspace anywhere in the world and likewise conducts its business operations in a minimum of time and hassle.

The ever increasing use and spread of information technologies and so-called Knowledge Management, by a significant number of companies operating in diverse sectors of economic activity. (Many of them, however, new, small, high flexibility and com called point) gave origins in the late nineties of the twentieth century the end the New Economy.

Before I comment both The New Economy and the E-Commerce, and before discussing whether the technology is the largest element of the condition and extent of globalization ; should explain a number of factors relating to globalization .

Firstly it is important to know what is meant by globalization , it is a dynamic process of increasing freedom and global integration product of the progressive elimination of trade barriers, deregulation the financial markets and especially the technological revolution that has reduced very significantly the costs of information processing and communications international.

All these factors have led to a situation where markets are global and increasing interdependence of national economies.

Much of the globalization process has been exercised by large multinational companies ; they are installed in a large number of countries and lead to increased trade and capital flows between them, resulting in growing markets integrated and contributing to the standardization of techniques producción.El globalization process has been driven by two factors: technological developments and the liberalization of trade in goods, services and capital.

However, there are different views on what has been the fundamental factor in the phenomenon. Technological improvements relating to transport, communications and information technology have helped reduce costs thus reducing barriers to trade and investment. This section should be noted that reducing the cost of air transport, maritime and land has been much lower than that associated with information technologies. Economic policy measures (treated preferential agreements, etc. ..) carried out between different countries have led trade liberalization, since most industrial countries have eliminated most controls on international capital movements, the process came largely caused by technological innovations that made it increasingly difficult to control flows capital.

In the words of International Monetary Fund (IMF ), which was the main driving force of globalization argues that the decline in transportation and communication costs were feasible from a technological point of view of globalization but were the decisions taken by national governments that enabled the flow of goods of goods and services, capital, technology, knowledge and workers.

A question asked many people is whether the economic globalization is beneficial, this process has supporters and detractors.

The general impression is that the process of globalization is beneficial to the entire world economy, since the process of globalization has coincided with an increase in income per capita worldwide.

Among the advantages that globalization has meant find: more choices for companies and cosumidores when choosing inputs and outputs, increased eficiecia , promotes technological innovation and therefore productivity, all this involves a higher wage increases and economic growth. also noteworthy that the globalization has allowed economies of scale and that each country specializes in those products whose resources were better equipped to compete in international markets.

The globalization also carries negative economic effects, among which include being increasing the gap between rich and poor, that is, all these movements of capital will go mainly to developed countries thus increasing the difference between rich and poor countries, another negative effect will that have to endure the less-skilled the developed countries as they will have difficulty adapting to new technologies.

However, we can conclude that there are many more who gain from globalization that the losers.

So the New Economy business reality means a particular set, first, by the intensive use of Internet (the network of networks) applied to business and, secondly, by creating a stock market benchmark ( the Nasdaq )

Therefore, we could define the New Economy: " It is an economy based on knowledge and information as the basis of production, productivity and competitiveness within a company is very common to see this new economy is used, as they take advantage of all those people with experience and are used for their knowledge are disseminated to others and keep trained people in a simple way, is also known as the knowledge economy "

The New Economy has three basic features were examined:

• focuses on information and knowledge as bases of production, productivity and competitiveness.
• Is a global economy, production and management of goods and services are organized on a global level.
• The network is the system of organization in the New Economy.

As a result, created a new concept of commerce, eCommerce . We will then three definitions that seem appropriate at the end .......
Electronic Commerce:
• "It is the application of advanced information technology to increase efficiency in business relationships between trading partners. "( Action Automotive Group in North America )
•" The availability of a business vision supported by advanced information technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the business process. "(EC Innovation Centre)
•" Is the use of computer and telecommunications technologies (ICT *) which takes place between companies or well between sellers and buyers, to support trade in goods and services. "

Combining these definitions we can say that electronic commerce is a modern business methodology that detects the need for companies, traders and consumers to reduce costs and improve the quality of goods and services and improve delivery time the goods or services.

Electronic commerce using a wide range of technologies including:
• Electronic Data Interchange (EDI - Electronic Data Interchange )
• Electronic Mail (E-mail or Electronic Mail )
• Wire Transfer of Funds (EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer )
• Internet Applications: Web , News , Gopher, Archie
• Voice Applications: Mailboxes, Server
• Transfer
files • Computer Design and Manufacturing (CAD / CAM ) Multimedia

• Advertising • Electronic Boards
• Videoconferencing

At the same time, we can distinguish the different forms of electronic commerce: business to business ( B2B), business to consumer ( B2C), consumer to business (C2B , consumer to consumer (C2C ) business government (B2G); government to consumer (G2C).

B2B model is " sell and buy from other online business through Extranets and Internet.Los businesses can communicate with each other for trade transactions, place orders, check inventory status and plan their production according to the times .. . It also allows focusing transactions, electronic payment systems, payroll, requests for orders between companies. "

In the model of B2C consumer business includes online sales. Among its key attributes include facilitating the buying cycle, contributing to the establishment of an open market, working on a hybrid system, a direct relationship with the client.

companies that sell software, electronic information, graphics, etc., working under this model.

For its part, the model C2B , consumer to business, allows consumers to offer products and online services business. Its main features are: specialized services, to help open markets, promote the development of the individual transactions where the company offers products. Under this model

operate independent professionals.

C2C model , consumer to consumer, allows the exchange of goods and services among consumers. its main features are: enabling direct transactions between individuals, contribute to the open market using advanced technology to lower costs, develop relationships involving direct transactions between customers.

For its part, the model B2G business to government, "allows the lead in product line and services to the government. The main characteristics of this business model include transparency in the development of calls and tenders, faster development of procedures, the government can find the best prices and terms of payment.

model G2C, government to consumer, allows the government to develop a series of useful online services to citizens ... provides administrative procedures to the public, open new channels for revenue collection.

There are other divisions or classifications of electronic commerce:
a) E-Commerce indirect : In this type of electronic commerce, the object of the transaction is a good or traditional physical product that is named telematic means that the parties used to exchange information and then embody the traditional media business to deliver the good or service.
b) Direct E-Commerce : This class deals with goods or services that are electronic in themselves. Both the transaction as the supply of goods or service, is done directly through the Internet, for example, the purchase of software, legal services, music, books, movies, etc.

The difference between these two kinds of electronic commerce has significant legal implications, especially in the fiscal area, as in the direct sales taxation taxes is a problem, the difficulty of controlling the sales made through this medium.

Keep in mind that the participation of business change agents in this trade, which simulates the traditional: a seller, a buyer and a series of intermediaries, as agents, brokers and other trading assistants.

However, there is no doubt that the involvement of intermediaries has been significantly minimized. We can say that their roles have changed, have become a process of adaptation which have resorted to new ways of delivering their services.

For example, Amazon . Com was engaged in traditional book sales and is now a Department Store on the Internet. It is a successful broker, since it is not a producer. Your business is to apply a number of offers, newsletters, etc. to attract customers.
Internet has tended to make reality more than ever the principle of "perfect competition " of capitalist society, in which a market operates in optimal conditions when the product information flows freely to consumers and the market is guided only by the invisible hand of supply and demand, as advocated Adam Smith .

markets are not really free, they have been influenced by the monopolies that are inclined to the merchant.

On the Internet, by contrast, national and international information available to the consumer, who may opt for the best option. For example, MySimon. com provides information for users to compare broadly the best deals.
Internet has reduced the problem of asymmetric information, it has leveled the balance of power between consumers and suppliers, changing, in a way, the rules of trade.

Subjects participating in the relationship business computing

The trade relationship in the world of Internet has a large number of subjects directly or indirectly involved in the transactions, but the most important are:

Searches: Negrita
Content Providers: They are the authors, publishers and other owners of rights to place their works on the network. Are primarily interested in conjunction with software companies in a strong copyright protection in the network.
Service Providers: This is the common name for two types of subjects:
- providers of services to users, and
- additional service providers, which in addition to access, provide certain services, such as page content, whether produced by themselves or by third parties.
Network Providers: Are those who provide the "access provider" and "host service provider , communication lines to lower the network information.

are those who have access to information and use the various features of the network. It is consumers, who find that electronic commerce, saving time and money and more power of choice in the amount of information that are offered, with the advantage of not having to physically the merchant site. However, they also are faced with problems such as fraud, misleading and biased contracts. These potentials are particularly prone to damage the called " beginners" who are novice users, or those who are fighting for the first time a PC and their basic uses and enter the information networks. In this and in any transaction or no market is free.

(*) The information technology and communication (ICT) are a set of services, networks, software and devices that are aimed at improving the quality of lives of people within an environment, and integrate a system of interconnected and complementary information. ...