"Some salient features of the high school today, what we mean by education is dynamic, evolving and must continue to evolve."
can not teach today in the same way as was done 15 years ago or today will do the same within a very short time. Today's society is evolving at a high speed and teaching, if you want to be effective it has to do with a similar speed.
Thanks mainly to the Internet, we now have easy access to a wide variety of materials, good quality, very well presented and, properly used, can lead to a more individualized education.
In general, teachers of the Institute does not have great computer skills beyond using a word processor and the Internet. Among them I find myself. First, therefore, was to analyze the real possibility of making a team work in the classroom and with a tool to motivate and help improve the understanding of the subject of economics and also the understanding and investigation of any matter through teamwork.
two months ago when we started this experiment, both students and teachers, we could not imagine what it would mean in application of ICT, what they learned in the course of digital media in the classroom.
Like all beginnings, was a little complicated because, no l @ @ s present in Economics class, we worked on it. As So it was slow and much hesitation, till we start with the first exercise where students formed into groups were preparing to work through the various teams of journalists that were issues explaining the subject in class.
already are three exercises that have taken place between two courses of Bachelor of Economics Course and can take stock of this experience.
I note first the ISFTIC, as an agency and in particular Ms Carmen Fernández Gómez, as coordinator of the course on digital media in the classroom. " Mentioned that through the course, have provided training, tools and support to this teacher to start with my students, what is now a reality, the blog of "Macueconomía" ( http://inma-economia.blogspot.com/ ).
Through this blog, the students are participating with your comments and providing additional information to the posts or articles from different topics of the subject of Economics. Getting thereby advance the understanding of the issues that exist in the classroom and improve their knowledge of the subject.
Students can communicate with each other and with the teacher. This communication is via email. This creates an alternative path communication allowed to ask and answer questions, make suggestions, provide jobs and transmit messages that are needed.
When I posed to the students the opportunity to work on the blog, the reception was quite favorable. Some even showed some enthusiasm. Possibly one of the aspects that influenced this was the she said she could access it with their own work and that these will serve to improve concepts and of course, the note class.
of itself, is considered very difficult, or impossible, to motivate the Institute to study with an interest beyond that of, at best cases get approved with a 5. But if you can not motivate them, the challenge is to try to connect to them using technological means that are so familiar and keep them occupied so long. This is getting into your computer to try and a different contact.
Experience has virtually said it before, two months. In fact, we are learning in the work we're doing on the net at the time of their own classroom.
Why has served the application of digital media in the classroom so far?
has allowed the following:
1.Incluir diagrams and articles (posts) of the contents of the textbook to help them study. As appropriate, these schemes can be included before or after study topics they have studied and they have made one themselves.
2. Propose exercises and activities, both mandatory and voluntary, without copying them.
3. Discuss solutions to the activities that they can review and evaluate themselves.
4. Propose and present information, for example, newspaper articles, news or photographs related to each topic, etc.
5. Having an annotated bibliography for those who want to use it.
6. Include a list of links to Internet sites with useful information, as videos, radio, Internet TV, etc.
7. Try a different way to study, to raise the education and interact with students.
8. In general, and in addition to what is done in the classroom, we try to include materials that are considered most appropriate to improve student performance.
An assessment
From what I have seen, what has been done so far has led to the following:
Working in groups, probably not all students have actively participated in the experiment. While being very structured groups with specific functions for each of the components, each has put their grain of sand to bring the best possible end group's work. There is evidence that all groups 5 in 1 º Bachillerato and the 3 groups of 2 have Bachillerato activities.
From which, we note that in each period is locate the individual and thus have better perception of the work of each student.
Overall, the positive reaction has been to teams where they were the most outstanding students in the class, otherwise normal thing to be starting in this system.
Students who have little interest in the study did not appear that at the moment and under present conditions, see increased interest this experience, although some are coming slowly. However, should more accurately assess the experience when you do more exercises and leave by filing errors.
Students who have actively entered into the blog, have worked and paid more than if they had been limited to the classroom. It has been used less time to prepare the information provided that if he had had to write, print, photocopy and distribute.
why I believe in my humble opinion, that the digital media in the classroom is a complementary tool for secondary education and value for motivation, understanding of the subject of Economics y el trabajo en equipo. Valores muy importantes no sólo para el alumno, sino para el individuo.
Seguro que el próximo curso lo haremos mucho mejor.
can not teach today in the same way as was done 15 years ago or today will do the same within a very short time. Today's society is evolving at a high speed and teaching, if you want to be effective it has to do with a similar speed.
Thanks mainly to the Internet, we now have easy access to a wide variety of materials, good quality, very well presented and, properly used, can lead to a more individualized education.

two months ago when we started this experiment, both students and teachers, we could not imagine what it would mean in application of ICT, what they learned in the course of digital media in the classroom.
Like all beginnings, was a little complicated because, no l @ @ s present in Economics class, we worked on it. As So it was slow and much hesitation, till we start with the first exercise where students formed into groups were preparing to work through the various teams of journalists that were issues explaining the subject in class.
already are three exercises that have taken place between two courses of Bachelor of Economics Course and can take stock of this experience.

Through this blog, the students are participating with your comments and providing additional information to the posts or articles from different topics of the subject of Economics. Getting thereby advance the understanding of the issues that exist in the classroom and improve their knowledge of the subject.
Students can communicate with each other and with the teacher. This communication is via email. This creates an alternative path communication allowed to ask and answer questions, make suggestions, provide jobs and transmit messages that are needed.
When I posed to the students the opportunity to work on the blog, the reception was quite favorable. Some even showed some enthusiasm. Possibly one of the aspects that influenced this was the she said she could access it with their own work and that these will serve to improve concepts and of course, the note class.

Experience has virtually said it before, two months. In fact, we are learning in the work we're doing on the net at the time of their own classroom.
Why has served the application of digital media in the classroom so far?
has allowed the following:
1.Incluir diagrams and articles (posts) of the contents of the textbook to help them study. As appropriate, these schemes can be included before or after study topics they have studied and they have made one themselves.
2. Propose exercises and activities, both mandatory and voluntary, without copying them.
3. Discuss solutions to the activities that they can review and evaluate themselves.
4. Propose and present information, for example, newspaper articles, news or photographs related to each topic, etc.
5. Having an annotated bibliography for those who want to use it.
6. Include a list of links to Internet sites with useful information, as videos, radio, Internet TV, etc.
7. Try a different way to study, to raise the education and interact with students.
8. In general, and in addition to what is done in the classroom, we try to include materials that are considered most appropriate to improve student performance.
An assessment
From what I have seen, what has been done so far has led to the following:

From which, we note that in each period is locate the individual and thus have better perception of the work of each student.
Overall, the positive reaction has been to teams where they were the most outstanding students in the class, otherwise normal thing to be starting in this system.
Students who have little interest in the study did not appear that at the moment and under present conditions, see increased interest this experience, although some are coming slowly. However, should more accurately assess the experience when you do more exercises and leave by filing errors.
Students who have actively entered into the blog, have worked and paid more than if they had been limited to the classroom. It has been used less time to prepare the information provided that if he had had to write, print, photocopy and distribute.
why I believe in my humble opinion, that the digital media in the classroom is a complementary tool for secondary education and value for motivation, understanding of the subject of Economics y el trabajo en equipo. Valores muy importantes no sólo para el alumno, sino para el individuo.
Seguro que el próximo curso lo haremos mucho mejor.
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