Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Valentine Productions Nick

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba for architects (I)

The Cordoba Mosque-Cathedral is a building sublime result of historical evolution special architectural and overlapping the opposite spatial criteria without necessarily contradictory. The successive interventions carried out as architects Caliphate as Christians are all a lesson about how to deal with a building and how to adapt to different needs over time. When confronted with its forest of columns from which emerges the volume of the cathedral we feel overwhelmed by a host of historical data, sometimes mere anecdotes, reflected in documentation too simple graphic that captures the complexity and quality of future actions and delves into the topic romantic whereby Christian interventions, notably alternating spatial and religious conception of the building, preventing the appreciation of the abstract, neutral space and time Caliphate both are inferior.

Touristic map of the mosque, with colors indicating the various extensions caliph without regard to Christian interventions.

However, little is to analyze the subsequent sequence of actions we realize that each of them is with a deep understanding of the potential existing buildings to such an extent that we can not talk about extensions to the Umayyad Mosque original but new mosques in which the front is absorbed as a part, a process that continues with the Christianization of the temple is a holistic understanding of the Islamic stage that transcends the successive interventions to wrap equally to the two Christian cathedrals, spatially and structurally integrated into the building Islam.

evolutionary sequence of successive extensions of the existing plant Caliphate, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spatial changes produced

axonometric of the Mosque of Cordoba, with a view of the interior in which to appreciate the different spatial landmarks: Capilla de Villaviciosa, maqsura and two Christian cathedrals surrounded by the forest of columns Caliphate.

Architecturally three periods we can establish well differentiated in the history of the Mosque: first the Islamic period of successive enlargements / construction of new mosques. As we shall see, the work of successive emirs and caliphs were more than simple upgrades, construction of new mosques in which the former were absorbed as a part. After the Christian conquest takes place the consecration of the Christian church building, while all mosques were demolished Córdoba, Mosque Aljama is preserved and built inside the successive cathedrals (Gothic plateresca in 1489 and 1523). In 1740 a series of reforms rush on deck and painted white all the arches, giving the appearance Mosquel unit that will last a few decades, as from 1815, with the restoration of mirhab, begins the stage of restoration / conservation of the Mosque-Cathedral.

The Mosque in 1567. Detail from a drawing by Anton Van den Wyngaerde

Interior of the Mosque Cathedral in 1806, according to a recording of Alexandre Laborde. Note the arches still painted white.

Until then the interventions had been natural, following principles that the artist considered again, was of previous positions, participating in the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress. But the mentality that restorative breaks and sets its target in a moment of the past. The first two stages were the time of the artist, those involved in loving and destroying the temple to build something new under necessary and a thorough knowledge of architectural reality on which it sits. The third is the time of the restorers, who care for history and so are its prisoners.

Ricardo Velázquez Bosco. Restoration project for one of the gates of the eastern facade (Almanzor extension).

Reading offered at the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend , Indiana (USA), January 21, 2011.
Author: Pablo Álvarez Funes

What Does Ol In Football Do?

Cathedral-Mosque of Cordoba for architects (I).

Cathedral-Mosque of Cordoba is a sublime building with a very special historical and architectural developments and where opposed spatial criteria overlap without being necessarily contradictory. Successive enlargements carried out by Caliphate and Christians architects are a lesson about how to deal with a building and how to adapt to different needs over time. When we arrive at its forest of columns from which emerges the volume of the cathedral, we feel overwhelmed by a myriad of historical data, which often remain in the anecdote, and which are reflected only in a very simple graphic documentation that does not capture the complexity and quality of each actions and relapses into the romantic topic whereby Christian interventions, which have notably alternated the building spatial and religious conception, blocks the appreciation of the Caliphate abstract and neutral space and have therefore inferior quality.

Touristic plan using colours to show different muslim additions but ignoring the christian ones. 

However, if we analyze the subsequent sequence of actions, we realize that each of them was built with a deep understanding of existing architectural potential to such an extent that we can not talk about enlargements to the original Umayyad Mosque, but new mosques where former spaces are absorbed as a part, a process that continues with the Christianization of the temple. Final result is a holistic understanding of the Islamic stage that transcends successive interventions to wrap equally to the two Christian cathedrals, which are space and structurally integrated into the Islamic building.

Sequence of consecutive muslim additions over current floorplan; this allow us to understand its spacial changes.

Axonometric view: some parts of the interior are seen and show different spaces: Villaviciosa Chapel, mirhab and both christian cathedrals surrounded by former mosque.

Architecturally we can establish three different periods in the history of the Mosque: Islamic period with successive enlargements / construction of new mosques. As we will see, successive emirs and caliphs didn't only enlarge the building, but they built real new mosques in which the former were absorbed as a part. After Christian conquest the building was consecrated as Christian church. While all mosques in Cordoba were demolished, Aljama Mosque was preserved and cathedrals were built inside it (Gothic in 1489 and Renaissance in 1523). Roofs were replaced in 1740 and all the arches painted in white, giving an unitary appearance to the Cathedral-Mosque that will only last a few decades. Restoration / preservation stage begins in 1815, with the restoration of mirhab.

The Mosque-Cathedral in 1567. Detail of a drawing by Anton Van den Wyngaerde

Interior of the Mosque-Cathedral in 1806, engraving by Alexandre Laborde. Arcades were still painted in white. 

Until then interventions had been natural, following principles that were considered new by the artist. These principles exceeded previous positions, participating in the idea of progress. But restorative mentality breaks that and sets its objectives in a moment of the past. First two stages were time for artists, who take part in the temple, loving and destroying it to build something new and necessary thorough the knowledge of its architectural reality. The third is restorers time, who take care for history and so they are its prisoners.

Ricardo Velázquez Bosco. Restauration projecto for a door in Eastern Façade (Almanzor enlargement). 

Lecture taught at Notre Dame School of Architecture in South Bend, Indiana (USA), January 26, 2011.
Author: Pablo Álvarez Funes

Fatty Liver Palpitations

Barack Obama, Nobel Peace ignoble

This stinking story of the murder of bin Laden continues to sow doubts about how, and when . This allows us to murder hundreds of questions about the veracity of the story as was told by Obama himself, but also, if everything is how they say it has been, the fact can not be more revolting.

The disappearance of the former employee of the CIA, Osama Bin Laden a criminal, I bring it to cool. However I am concerned about several things:

* The continuing violation of the rule of law
* That believe citizens are thinking deeply stupid and we swallow any story, even though it is full of toads and snakes.

The issue is now more than ever the world is more unsafe and more fragile and so because we have some terrible truths .

* The violation of the sovereign territory of Pakistan by a group of CIA mercenaries sent by the Nobel Peace Prize to kill an individual.

* U.S. sources confirm when they entered the house where he lived an alleged Bin Laden, he was not armed , however they had to kill because he resisted. I wonder how he can resist one of a battalion of mercenaries killed, arms covered to the cops, if one is disarmed.

* The way they learn where is hiding. According to admissions by CIA director, Leon Panetta, information was obtained through "coercive interrogation techniques" , metaphorical way of saying through countless torture , Including the infamous "art of the bath" or "waterboarding."

The questioned has been Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of operating off course the September 11th attacks, captured in 2003 (by the way, has never had a trial) through which arrive at the residence Bin Laden.

Human Rights Defenders Emperor Obama recalled that during his campaign for access to the presidency, promised, forcefully eradicate these tactics of question, arguing that represent a "betrayal of American values \u200b\u200band principles" . How fragile is the memory!

Faced with such nonsense, the only thought European would call the standard brain of the presidents of the member countries of the European Union, including our ineffable Zapatero, have taken only a few moments boast and welcomed the news, without getting any kind of question, reflection, criticism or similar.

This morning in parliamentary session, Gaspar Llamazares has accused the president of "not to recognize its silence regarding such a serious event of state terrorism" by the CIA. Zapatero replied that "the fate of Bin Laden is a destination sought by him ". (I have had my gossips of the town and Court, who after deep reflection peers and has had to take a nap to recover)

insist that this story that we will only know some remains true if platforms like Wikileaks, has been extremely well to the character Obama, who polls last hours has gone through the roof. According to Reuters, massively overwhelming percentage of U.S. citizens are in favor of torture.

seen in light of the request that the nomination of Barack Obama Peace Prize ignoble.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Orajel Hurt The Penis

primary elements of Andalusian and Moorish architecture (IX): arcs.

El arco tiene una expresividad formal como elemento that marks the entrance to the house and a brand is essential in the language of building. There is a huge variety of arch forms in Muslim Spain.

Oldest horseshoe is confined to an equilateral triangle, Visigothic lineage. Was used in the interior and the facade oldest mosque in Cordoba, al-bab-la- Uzara, which appears as an arc discharge hole keystone lintel, following Roman forms, as in the palace of Augustus Tarragona. The arc is always framed by a rectangular frame surrounding square, is enjarjada sternotomy and is eccentric on the top surface the soffit.

Church of San Juan de Baños de Cerrato, Spain (s. VII) . Tracing the arc of the facade according to D. Emilio Camps Cazorla.

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain (s. VIII-XVI). Puerta de San Esteban .

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain (s. VIII-XVI). Drawing the door of St. Stephen as D. Emilio Camps Cazorla.

In the great arches of the Medina Azahara Almuzara of arches were used on large pillars that extended his sail in an arc horseshoe fictional and drawn in the stucco coating. Abd al-Rahman III appear in Medina Azahara lobed arches, originating in the shell niches Romans and Visigoths, who generated this extremely decorative, sometimes overlapping with the original horseshoe.

Palatine City of Medina Azahara (936-976) . Current status and historical recreation of the great portico access.

Temple of Artemis, Jerash, Jordan (s. II d. C.) . Detail of one of the niches of propyleum. Note the arc-shaped shell that will serve as inspiration for poly-lobed arches.

Palatine City of Medina Azahara (936-976) . Tracing the arc of the walkway lobed, according to D. Emilio Camps Cazorla.

crisscrossing Both types were used for structural purposes to create a dense Mayan capable of withstanding the loads and thrusts of the vaults of the skylights of Al Hakem II. Intersecting arches had already been used with ornamental in Umayyad Syria - (Qasr al-Sharqi Hair). Structural use in the decorative generalized to the entire English Middle Ages.

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain (s . VIII-XVI). Maqsura of Alhaquén II.

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain (s. VIII-XVI). Path of the arches of the Maqsura of Alhaquén II as D. Emilio Camps Cazorla.

Taking the theory of arches crisscrossed "ad infinitum", automatically comes "tsebka" in the late twelfth century, which is already formed in the Patio del Yeso of Seville and the Giralda.

Alcázar of Seville. Almohad palace known as the "Patio del Yeso (s. XII). Arcada.

Alcázar of Seville. Almohad palace known as the "Patio del Yeso (s. XII). Elevation of the arcade, and D. Antonio Almagro.

Giralda in Seville, Spain (1172-1181) . Elevation of sebka cloths, according to D. Antonio Almagro.

The pointed horseshoe arch had great development in the Almohad period, and allowed great flexibility in their use. Valances are lined with plasterboard with tape arches intersecting, overlapping, that the decrease of scale, will become the scalloped Moorish art.

Palacio de la Alhambra (s. XIV) . Hall of the Two Sisters, arch that connects the central room to the bedroom side.

They are called "lambrequins" or mixtilinear those with stalactites hanging profiles, derived from the arch and the stalactite vault, which in its original formula Almoravid period, it would become fashionable years after the Moorish emirate, in the reign of Muhamand V, and also in Christian Spain under John II. Almohads also used the arch decorated with double palms, and also called "curl".

The Christian world-Mudejar own late model created a civil bow. In fact, the horseshoe arch converted after the time of rigor Almohad a form of liturgical significance, only permissible in mosques and baths.

Christian Spain In many mosques, churches become by the simple expedient of cutting the nacelle and the horseshoe arch sobrecurva, transforming it into semicircular stilted. Thus was born this formula, with its decorative scalloped plaster was to become the most widely used arc civil architecture both Christian Spain Moorish, as in the palaces of Moorish art.

Lecture by D. Rafael Manzano Martos on November 17, 2010 at the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Removing Carburators From Yahama Phazer

If we know so much, why not take the street

no longer need anyone to tell us that we have a financial and economic crisis. Began as well, but now we all know that this crisis has turned into a social crisis deep, very deep draft. not even know how it will be resolved .

However, we know that if you follow implement measures and reforms designed by the Executive the situation turn worse, no doubt.

do know that it is up to citizens to demand model of society in we want to live. Because that is, to the society in which we develop, in which we want to grow.

do know that we are sick of both single thought , to try to convince us that the only way out of this brutal crisis is to follow the pat rules issued by financial markets , because, as of them these markets are the appropriate mechanism, fair and efficient capital allocation.

do know that it has shown just the opposite and are those financial markets which have led to great instability internationally thanks to its indecent speculation and lack of regulation and control of capital movements.

do know that the financial industry turned against society, corrupted the political system and plunged the world economy, causing the worst crisis in history.

do know that responsible for the crisis are still paying for it, still in power and continue to earn fabulous salaries. (We strongly advise you to see, in case they have not already done so, "Inside Job" . It seems so fundamental that would make a mandatory viewing in all schools)

Then, knowing As we know so many things, and we have no reason not "take to the streets" and demonstrate our wisdom demanding a breakthrough and radical reforms being carried out, do not you think? ;

unite to the call of the day May 15 is massive.
The page
DemocraciaRealYa have more information. There can access Manifesto, which ends with this reflection:

"We need an ethical revolution. We have put money above human being and we have to put it to our department. We are people, no products on the market. I'm not only what I buy, why they buy and who you buy it ".

What Gas Is Best For Outboard Motors

I "room" of Bildu

Dear blogger @ s @ s, allow me a personal note is that since a few hours ago, and with all the right papers, I "room" . That's how we say the Portuguese and it seemed wonderful expression to describe that cycle and I'm including: cycle and s retirees.

throw in no way account and think that I have what you need to have, I mean the relevant years. Although I am near, that day has not yet arrived, but for now, despite Zapatero, having started my working career very young, I could retire.

My life has been intense and have tried various medicines, the public realm and the private sector. By far and away, and despite all the sorrow, I prefer the public sector . I believe in him and I have spent most of my gray hair dyed. Belong, although I should say, I belonged to the Central Government and have lived very different scenarios.

I believed blindly in the public services are increasingly impaired by lack of resources and, essentially, for lack of credibility of the political powers that have managed.

remain active in other fields. And of course I'll connected to the digital world and taught me so much learn from both.

For a while I wanted to be in pure anonymity, either because of shyness, or prudence, but gradually I was showing. And many know me for who does not already done so, I stand. This is me. Photography three years ago at a conference in Seville professionals. On the bridge of Triana. I'm getting almost the same weight then, using the scheme and I'm going hungry.

I also dedicate to the care of the little corner of my roof garden. Will find out the rhododendrons the Botanical Garden of Madrid (recommend to be visited because they are spectacularly beautiful) because I care, have nothing to envy. Look at the sample

wanted to share with you the moment I live with passion, just as I've lived all my life.

As at the beginning of the term spoke in Portuguese, it occurs to me leave a fado to accompany this personal moment: "Una Lagrima" , sung by Misia . And is that so and so I fired, and so many memories and emotions all contained, my heart is overflowing. I'm already piecing.

Thank you all for your company and sharing hugs!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Zepose10 Uses And Side Effects

V: Victory of Ideas

The battle of ideas : Against the fear, the weapon so powerful, are ideas, even stronger.

The Freedom is not negotiable. Let's not allow the ideas and outlawing parties legitimately represent them.

Defend full democracy!

Spondylosis How Long Does It Last

primary elements of Andalusian and Moorish architecture (VIII): minarets.

Towers English mosques were born from a single prototype. Were low-rise ratio in standard pair and a square prism, which involved a left-handed spiral a circular cast inside. Into the street had a horseshoe-mullioned windows with central column as a single hole at the upper and the lower door. A staircase lantern sticking out on the terrace parapet with battlements of Mesopotamian type similar to the tops of the mosque of Cordoba.

The first mutation must be due to the construction of the minaret Hisham I in the mosque. Its prism, square also contained a staircase parallel to the exterior walls supported on a central pier staggered square slabs between the wall and said central core. Externally must have reached in their proportions more upright than its predecessors, and would impose the archaic model.

The great minaret of Abd al-Rahman III, was the great beacon of the West, the tallest building and daring Córdoba. To give stability to as high artifice, was given rectangular in plan, was split by a transverse wall and in two towers, with two elongated central core in the center of each stairwell. The steps were around them, one of a left-handed and one destrógira, to climb to the terrace both parallel to the axis of "ahmud" that supported their sides in the two core areas. The double staircase forced the duality of the fenestration in the two main facades.

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain (s. VIII-XVI). Floor of the tower showing the walls and Christian Caliphate.
This tower was not repeated in Islam, but in Christian Spain, where it generated the kind of Catalan Romanesque tower, which was made into Langedoc and to Italy by the "Magistri Comacini" and Fenestration duality retained their facades until very late.

The most beautiful tower of English Islam is the Giralda, the minaret of the Almohad mosque of Seville, carved brick by Ali al-Gumari, second architect of the mosque started by Almad ibn-Based, in the spirit of Ibn Tumart austerity imposed by the "mahdi" founder of the sect. But at the turn of Caliph and higher teacher was to resurface the Andalusian decorative splendor, and from the composition of the Patio de Yeso the Alcazar of Seville, was born in parallel tripartite management of the facades of the Giralda, with its large cloths "tsebka, which already has a unified composition, as in the unfinished Tour Hassan Rabat were to disseminate both the Andalusian Islam centuries XIII and XIV, as in the North African Maghreb .

Giralda in Seville, Spain (1172-1181) . Events since the Almohad minaret (left).

Lecture by D. Rafael Manzano Martos on November 17, 2010 at the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame, USA.