Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fatty Liver Palpitations

Barack Obama, Nobel Peace ignoble

This stinking story of the murder of bin Laden continues to sow doubts about how, and when . This allows us to murder hundreds of questions about the veracity of the story as was told by Obama himself, but also, if everything is how they say it has been, the fact can not be more revolting.

The disappearance of the former employee of the CIA, Osama Bin Laden a criminal, I bring it to cool. However I am concerned about several things:

* The continuing violation of the rule of law
* That believe citizens are thinking deeply stupid and we swallow any story, even though it is full of toads and snakes.

The issue is now more than ever the world is more unsafe and more fragile and so because we have some terrible truths .

* The violation of the sovereign territory of Pakistan by a group of CIA mercenaries sent by the Nobel Peace Prize to kill an individual.

* U.S. sources confirm when they entered the house where he lived an alleged Bin Laden, he was not armed , however they had to kill because he resisted. I wonder how he can resist one of a battalion of mercenaries killed, arms covered to the cops, if one is disarmed.

* The way they learn where is hiding. According to admissions by CIA director, Leon Panetta, information was obtained through "coercive interrogation techniques" , metaphorical way of saying through countless torture , Including the infamous "art of the bath" or "waterboarding."

The questioned has been Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of operating off course the September 11th attacks, captured in 2003 (by the way, has never had a trial) through which arrive at the residence Bin Laden.

Human Rights Defenders Emperor Obama recalled that during his campaign for access to the presidency, promised, forcefully eradicate these tactics of question, arguing that represent a "betrayal of American values \u200b\u200band principles" . How fragile is the memory!

Faced with such nonsense, the only thought European would call the standard brain of the presidents of the member countries of the European Union, including our ineffable Zapatero, have taken only a few moments boast and welcomed the news, without getting any kind of question, reflection, criticism or similar.

This morning in parliamentary session, Gaspar Llamazares has accused the president of "not to recognize its silence regarding such a serious event of state terrorism" by the CIA. Zapatero replied that "the fate of Bin Laden is a destination sought by him ". (I have had my gossips of the town and Court, who after deep reflection peers and has had to take a nap to recover)

insist that this story that we will only know some remains true if platforms like Wikileaks, has been extremely well to the character Obama, who polls last hours has gone through the roof. According to Reuters, massively overwhelming percentage of U.S. citizens are in favor of torture.

seen in light of the request that the nomination of Barack Obama Peace Prize ignoble.


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