Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Make Shaolin Wear

Bildu or short-sightedness of judges and politicians

Although we expected it to happen again, always had a slight hope that would not make again in the same awkwardness, in the same shortsightedness. Have. The Supreme Court has annulled all applications with which Bildu going to stand for election May 22. He does it because according to some "bickering" decides that Bildu is directed and controlled by ETA and Batasuna.

nine votes in favor and six against. What has made the Supreme Court, with the connivance of the PP-PSOE, look where you look, is a brutal ring the right to presumption of innocence .

What has made the Supreme Court, with the connivance of the PP-PSOE, is convert suspicions certainties and left out of the democratic game to an important sector of Basque society to legitimately defend their positions and sovereign independence, it is or disagree with them. Neither more nor less than more than 100,000 voters.

What has made the Supreme Court, with a proactive role of government weak, short, manipulative and stingy and extreme opposition, is to turn these elections in illegitimate elections by a clear abuse of power , by a clear electoral interest . No one is hidden from us if Bildu not show the PP and PSOE wins. Both parties have played a very active in this proscription.

We citizens can not stop screaming against this new attack on democracy.

What Bildu have to do before Sortu that a clear, forceful and precise , h to manifest their rejection without any frankly kind of violence, to judges and politicians believe it and allow them to compete in democratic elections?

How can they be so short-sighted at a time, like it or not, with a much clearer horizon in relation to the laying down of arms by ETA?

Hope Bildu go to Constitutional Court and if necessary to European Court of Human Rights and hopefully in these instances is solved, for, the democratic participation of this political and we can talk about a genuine democratic elections Euskadi.

is becoming weaker and our democracy is becoming increasingly clear the lack of independence of judges in relation to the steamroller that is the bipartisan, harmful and misuses, representing the two major parties.

continue discussing this topic. They do and will do many bloggers. Today I want to leave here my absolute rejection of the decision induced the Supreme Court.

PS: I have copied the image to the blog Basseta.


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