space This combination is a "phrase" archetypal of the whole Moorish Spain Moorish architecture. This is a long narrow room, placed parallel to the gate of entrance from the patio. In its extremes are two rooms, originally square and separated by paths of the main hall doors. These rooms are called 'alhanías "or" bedroom. " This last word comes from "the qubba, and according to some scholars only be used if these parts are covered with domes, which sometimes occurs, for example in a house of Patio de Banderas Alcazar of Seville Almohad period, but is rare.
The model is already perfectly clear and developed in the palace of Medina Azahara home, and comes from the Fatimid Cairo. The phrase is so defined that, when one of these rooms for certain reasons there of its two alhanías, decorated and painted a dummy arc, to keep the symmetry of space.
City of Medina Azahara Palatine, Córdoba (936-976). General plan showing all type spaces elongated room with side alcoves.
City of Medina Azahara Palatine, Córdoba (936-976). Details of the plants excavated buildings, marking the elongated room with side alcoves.
In the caliphate, and the Taifa kingdoms, as in the Pottery of Zaragoza, the alhanías are separated by a door, which in Spain is always horseshoe arch.
Almohad Later in the alhanía is more incorporated into the room through a door with a double arch over a central column with booklet folding door.
Alcázar of Sevilla. General plan showing all types of living spaces elongated side alcoves. Those red and orange Almohad mudéjares.
Alcázar of Sevilla. Almohad palace known as the "Patio del Yeso (s. XII). Plan and cross section showing the double-arch span.
Alcázar of Sevilla. Floor of the Palacio de Pedro I showing all types of spaces Long Room with side alcoves.
Finally, in Toledo Mudejar and Moorish art, bedroom or alhanía is separated by a large arch, beautifully incorporating the main space. To give privacy to the bedroom, which served as a bedroom, behind the arch hung curtains delicious splendid damask fabrics. The Cleveland museum has acquired a few years ago a very rich Moorish textile curtains that might belong to the Alhambra in Granada.
Palacio de la Alhambra (s. XIV) . General plan showing all types of living spaces elongated side alcoves.
Palacio de la Alhambra (s. XIV). Hall of the Two Sisters, arch that connects the central room to the bedroom side.
Palacio de la Alhambra (s. XIV). Abencerrajes Hall, double-arch span that connects the central hall with the bedroom side.
Palacio de la Alhambra (s. XIV). Royal Hall or Justice. The Long Room is attached to the side by an arched alcoves create a continuous space.
Conferencia impartida por D. Rafael Manzano Martos el 17 de Noviembre de 2010 en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Notre Dame, EEUU.
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