Saturday, April 9, 2011

What Type Of Cheese East Side Marios

Historical context of Hispanic-Muslim Architecture (II): National kingdoms (1031-1085)

Taifa Kingdoms c. 1037

Taifa Kingdoms c. 1085

The integrative role That Cordoba Umayyad dynasty had served in al-Andalus disappeared after caliphate collapse as a result of early 11th century civil wars , giving way to a political fragmentation period known as Taifa Kingdoms . Then some local dynasties emerged as Hudi in Zaragoza , du-l-Nuni in Toledo , Abbadids in Seville and Zirids in Granada . All of them combined political weakness with cultural and artistic splendor, one of whose best witness is Aljafería Hudi palace in Zaragoza .

Aljafería Palace , Zaragoza (1065-1081). Floorplan of original Taifa Palace. 

Aljafería Palace ,  Zaragoza (1065-1081). Main elevation.

Aljafería Palace ,  Zaragoza (1065-1081). St. Isabel's Court.

  Aljafería Palace ,  Zaragoza (1065-1081).   Northern Rooms.

Aljafería Palace , Zaragoza (1065-1081). Present floorplan.

Aljafería Palace, Zaragoza (1065-1081). Volume.

To know more about Aljafería Palace (in English):

Almagro, Antonio. The Aljafería Zaragoza. Proceedings of the First Conference of Islamic Culture. Al-Andalus, eight centuries of history (Toledo 1987) . Ed West Institute of Islamic Culture. Madrid, 1989, pp.128-134. ( Digital.CSIC available).

Almagro, Antonio. Aljafería The image over time . morphological evolution. The Aljafería II, Zaragoza, 1998, pp. 407-421. ( available Digital.CSIC )

Cabañero Switzerland, Barnabas. The Aljafería of Zaragoza. Artigrama, no. 22 University of Zaragoza. Department of Art History, 2007. Pp. 103-129. (Available in Digital.CSIC )

Taught Lecture at Notre Dame School of Architecture in South Bend, Indiana (USA), January 28, 2011.
Author: Pablo Álvarez Funes


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